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"To many summers," I replied, "for we are going away back, David, to see your mother as she was in the days before there was you." We hailed a hansom. "Drive back six years," I said to the cabby, "and stop at the Junior Old Fogies' Club." He was a stupid fellow, and I had to guide him with my umbrella. The streets were not quite as they had been in the morning.

"Far better without them." "Haven't you any?" "Not one. They went on. All old fogies now." Her air of boredom was unfeigned. "But you have your daughter." "Too old!" The youthful eyes twinkled maliciously. "Now you, my dear, would be nearer my age. For you have youth within as well as without. Keep it. It's all there is worth having." Desire smiled. But the words lingered.

"Well, what is it to be this morning?" asked Peggy. "Suppose we all go over and take a look around the yard. It may be rather slow with just two old fogies like Harold and me for escorts, but we'll leave the matrons at home and take Snap.

I suppose," she added, with youthful recklessness, "I suppose there are lots of old fogies who would never understand my getting separated from Wolf, but it isn't as if he didn't understand, for I know he does! Wolf has always known that it took just certain things to make me happy!"

I can't think of myself as living here with a dozen old fogies about the place all doing nothing, touching their hats, my-lording me at every turn, looking respectable, but as idle as pickpockets." "You'll have to do it." "Perhaps I shall, but I don't think it." Then there was again silence for a time.

I finally took my idea to the business agent of a foreign power and the reception I got almost took me off my feet. Meet me halfway! They pretty near hounded me to death till I finally consented to give them an option on the thing, But then my troubles began. The man who had made the deal with me had to step aside for a couple of old fogies who can't grasp anything they can't see or handle.

He complacently gives us its weight and height as compared with the pyramids, and numerous other details as to floor space and ventilation, and hints in conclusion that only old fogies and dullards, unable to keep pace with the times, fail to appreciate the charm of such structures in a city.

He broke down in the middle, taking stage fright or pulpit fright or some such devilry, though there was nothing to be afraid of except a bandboxful of chattering girls who didn't listen, and a few old fogies with ear-trumpets.

Walk through the halls of Greenwich and Chelsea or, if the excursion be too far for you, as a Dubliner, stroll down to the Old Man’s Hospital, and cast your eyes on those venerablefogies,” as they are sometimes irreverently called, and look with what a critical and studious politeness the state has invested every detail of their daily life.

There's not a more respectable woman in England than Lady Mirabel: and the old fogies, as you call them at Bays's, are some of the first gentlemen in England, of whom you youngsters had best learn a little manners, and a little breeding, and a little modesty." And the major began to think that Pen was growing exceedingly pert and conceited, and that the world made a great deal too much of him.