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He replaced the eyeglass, and walked up and down the room for a few moments, as though he were pacing a quarter-deck. He looked very tall, and very, very slight and thin; older than his years, tanned and dried by the African sun, which had enhanced his natural darkness. Though he spoke as a boy, he looked like a man. His mother's heart yearned over him.

The quadrille once ended, I became stationary; foolishly held back by my short sight too shy to sport an eyeglass, too much of a poet to wear spectacles, and dreading lest, at the slightest movement, I should bruise my knee against the corner of some piece of furniture, or plunge my nose into the trimming of a bodice.

Men with grey moustaches and full, healthy, vaguely smiling countenances approached, circling round the screen; two mature women with a matronly air of gracious resolution; a clean-shaved individual with sunken cheeks, and dangling a gold-mounted eyeglass on a broad black ribbon with an old-world, dandified effect.

"'Pon my soul, she is like her!" said one of the "middle ones" one day, examining me through his eyeglass, "Th' same expressive eyes, you know, and just that graceful gracious little manner poor Mrs. Vandaleur had. By Jove, it was a shocking thing! She was an uncommonly pretty woman." "You never saw her mother, my good fellow," said one of the "old ones" who was present.

"Very well indeed" said Miss Crewys, with emphasis that seemed to imply Lady Mary was better than she had any need to be. "I have never," said the canon, with a nervous side-glance at Peter, "seen her look so well, nor so so lovely, nor so so brilliant. Only your return was needed to complete her happiness." Peter looked at the canon through his newly acquired eyeglass with some slight surprise.

James fixed her with his eyeglass. "That's where the neck-breaking might intervene," he said. "Jimmy would rather risk his neck any day." "Than his heart!" "Heart!" said Vera. "No such thing. Quite another organ. It's a case of dinner. He'd risk his neck for a dinner, and so would any man." "I believe you are right," said James.

"Well, my dear " Suddenly Lord Windlehurst remembered himself, stopped, put up his eyeglass, and with great interest seemed to watch a gay group of people opposite; for the subject of attack was Egypt and the Government's conduct in not helping David, in view not alone of his present danger, but of the position of England in the country, on which depended the security of her highway to the East.

There was one little fellow, called Petit Bleu, who was very sharp; a tall man, with a savage look, gray eyes and black hair, who was nick-named Tomahawk, the only one who never touched an oar, as he said he should upset the boat; a slender, elegant man, who was very careful about his person, and whom we called Only-One-Eye, in remembrance of a recent story about Cladel, and because he wore a single eyeglass, and, lastly, I, who had been baptized Joseph Prunier.

Freddy, with an air of relief at being reinforced. 'I've been talking to Vida Levering and that funereal sister of hers. 'Oh, Mrs. Fox-Moore! said Lady Whyteleafe, obviously disappointed. 'She's a step-sister, isn't she? 'Yes, yes. Oh, I wish she'd never stepped over my threshold! 'Why? said Mr. Freddy, sticking in his eyeglass. 'Don't, Freddy. Don't look at her. Oh, I wish I were dead!

Hartley, let me introduce you to Mr. Hilliard I should say Bimbashi Hilliard. He is on General Hunter's staff." The young lieutenant placed an eyeglass in his eye, and bowed to Gregory. "Have you been in this beastly country long?" he asked. "If you include Lower Egypt, I have been here eighteen years." "Dear me!" the other drawled; "the climate seems to have agreed with you."