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This question seemed to puzzle them all. Finally, a chafingdish, exclaimed irritably: "If no one can throw any light on this subject you must excuse me if I go out." At this, a big kitchen fork pricked up its ears and said in a tiny voice: "Let's hear from Judge Sifter." "That's proper," returned the King.

"You ought to have better opinions of me I feared you were against me from the first!" exclaimed Eustacia. "No. I was simply for Clym," replied Mrs. Yeobright, with too much emphasis in her earnestness. "It is the instinct of everyone to look after their own." "How can you imply that he required guarding against me?" cried Eustacia, passionate tears in her eyes.

"Sure!" said Fagan. "An' over-soaked is what I say. Thim water goats has all th' looks of bein' soaked too long. I would not say positive, Yer Honour, but that is th' looks of thim. If me own mother was t' ask me I would say th' same, Dugan. 'Soakin' too long done it, is what I would say." "You are a fool, Fagan!" exclaimed the big mayor.

And you do not understand it, Leo!" He had been listening in silence, with something of vexation deepening upon his features. "What you say only makes matters worse and worse!" he exclaimed, presently.

A few minutes later he came running back, and in breathless excitement startled them with the announcement: "The boat's gone!" "Gone where?" asked Andy incredulously. "Gone! I'm not knowin' where!" exclaimed David. "Has she been took?" asked Jamie, excitedly. "Took!" said David. "The painter were untied and she were took! There's tracks about of big boots with nails in un!"

Elwood," exclaimed Fluella, with a countenance sparkling with animation, "you think of our woods life, like one of your great writers, whom I have read to remember, and who so prettily says: 'And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in every thing.

"Nearer nearer," she exclaimed, "they are nearer whippin' and spurrin' their horses! Hugh O'Regan, that was the sun of my life, and of my heart, and ever without a cloud, hasten to the God of mercy!

"Do you mind if I test you?" "Not in the least." "Then tell me when it is a minute...." "Now?" said she. "Fourteen seconds!" he smiled. "Fourteen seconds!" she exclaimed incredulously "It's not possible." "You're considerably above the average, Mrs. Winton. However, it depends much on what you're doing at the moment.

In a few moments Miss Cecilia Harbottle entered the library. She glided forward as if afloat on a depth of the milk of human kindness, and folded Mrs. Agar in an emotional embrace. "Dear!" she exclaimed. "Dear Anna, how I feel for you!" In illustration of this sympathy she patted Mrs. Agar's somewhat flabby hands, and looked softly at her.

From the point where Miner had entered the ground a little ridge was being pushed up, and they watched it grow surprisingly fast as the little worker under the sod pushed his tunnel along in the direction of his old tunnels. It was clear that he was in a hurry to get back where he could work in peace. "What a queer life," exclaimed Happy Jack Squirrel. "He can't have much fun.