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Why not Mrs, Embury?" "Innocent child! Those two are deeply, desperately, darkly in love with the the widow." "Let's leave her out of this!" "Ha, ha! a squire of dames, eh? and at your age! All right leave the lady's name out. But I've confessed my hidden purpose. Now tell me what brings you to my domicile, on false pretenses, and why do I find you on the point of breaking into my wardrobe?"

"It seems to be! Anything else you are thirsting to learn?" "Yes'm. You know that 'Hamlet' performance you and Mis' Embury went to?" "Yes," said Fifi, cautiously. "You know you accused her of talkin' it over with you " "She did!" "Yes'm I know you say she did I got that from Mr.

With this one exception. Eunice found it intolerable to be cramped and pinched for small amounts of ready cash, when her husband was a rich man. Nor was Embury mean, or even economical of nature. He was more than willing that his wife should have all the extravagant luxuries she desired. He was entirely ready to pay any and all bills that she might contract.

"Oh, don't disturb her, dear Mr. Embury," begged the vivacious Fifi; "she's out for blood! She's in the den, with three of our wizards and the sky's their limit!" "Tut, tut! What naughtiness!" Embury's manner was just the right degree of playful reproach, and his fine poise and distinguished air attracted attention from many of the players.

Embury having sent you a warm invitation to make their house your home for the present. What do you say to my proposition?" "Oh, Grandpa Dinsmore, how nice and kind is Cousin Molly and her husband!" exclaimed Lulu. "I shall be, oh, so glad to go away from, here, especially to such a lovely home as theirs."

It is a most unusual case. There is absolutely no indication of foul play, but, on the other hand, there is no symptom or condition that tells the reason of his death. That is your finding, Dr. Marsden?" "Yes," agreed the other. "Mr. Embury died because of a sudden and complete paralysis of respiration and circulation.

Eunice was standing, her two hands tightly grasping a chair-back as she looked angrily at Embury, who still seated lazily, blew smoke rings toward her. She was magnificent in her anger, her cheeks burned crimson, her dark eyes had an ominous gleam in them and her curved lips straightened into a determined line of scarlet.

Why would she rig up in Sanford's gym jersey?" "Why wouldn't she?" countered Stone. "As I said, we're building up a supposititious case. Assume that it was Mrs, Embury, not at all enacting a ghost, but merely wandering around after her impulsive deed for if she is the guilty party it must have been an impulsive deed. You know her uncontrollable temper her sudden spasms of rage " "Mr.

Glad to see you again. And Mrs, Embury; this brings back childhood days!" "Tell me about Hanlon," begged Miss Ames. "Is he on the square?" "So far as I know, and I know all there is to know, I think. I was present at a preliminary test this morning, and I'll tell you what he did." Mortimer looked at his watch and proceeded quickly.

It would be impossible for me to be the criminal but I will answer your ridiculous query I did not." "Mrs, Embury, did you?" "N no but I would rather be suspected, than to have " "You said no, I believe," Stone interrupted her. "Miss Ames, do you really think you killed your niece's husband?" "Oh, sir I don't know! I can't think I did " "Of course, you didn't, Aunt Abby!"