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They were kindly received at Berber by Halleem Effendi, the ex-governor, who gave them permission to pitch their tents in his gardens close to the Nile. It was a lovely spot, thickly planted with lofty date-groves and shady citron and lemon-trees, in which countless birds were singing and chirruping, and innumerable ring-doves cooing in the shady palms.

You quite well realize, I presume, that Shoghi Effendi has always cherished the fondest hopes for your services to the Cause of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and I am sure that your achievements will be great, shining brilliantly as a star. The field is world-wide and with but a noble spirit and faith in the Lord we can carry to every home this Message of peace and brotherhood.

Apart from the insincerity that marked all too many of them, the relatives of Shoghi Effendi demonstrated little or no awareness of the spiritual nature of the role conferred on him in the Will and Testament.

They imagined that it was to visit the ancient Pharaoh's tomb. Just as they were leaving the orchard the Omdeh said: "There have been strange rumours afloat, Effendi. Men say that a wealth of buried treasure has been discovered in the hills to which you are travelling. Is it known to you?" "Indeed?" Michael said evasively. "What sort of treasure? Do the authorities know of it?

"BE still, effendi!" It was no more than a whisper, but it pierced Herne's understanding as a burst of light through a rent curtain. He opened his eyes wide. "Hassan!" he said faintly. "I am here, effendi." Very cautiously came the answer, and in the dimness a figure familiar to him stooped over Herne. Herne tried to raise himself and failed with a groan.

But suddenly I seemed to hear "Antoun Effendi" telling Miss Gilder that she must wait for his decision until evening. He had said afterward, also, that it depended on me. It was evident that he had a scheme of his own, worked by wheels within wheels. He had consoled me after the first blow by saying that all was not lost. And I had four months' leave from duty. A lot could be done in four months.

In considering the events of the ministry of Shoghi Effendi, Bahá’ís need to make the effort of imagination to see, through his eyes, the nature of the mission laid on him. It was this vision that, for the thirty-six years of his Guardianship, provided the organizing force of Shoghi Effendi’s work. Its implications were the theme of some of the most important messages he wrote.

"Insha Allah, we will save the 'favoured of God, Effendi. There in the Bedouin camp they will give us milk they have goats." "How is he this morning?" "The Answerer of Prayer has heard the cry of His children. He has again bestowed upon us His everlasting mercy, His compassion is infinite." "The saint is better?" "The malady is running its course.

Sometimes they came from outside. Other times they came from souls most trusted and loved. In every case however they have proven to be for the good of the Faith. It is such events that arouse the friends to added service. Shoghi Effendi hopes that as a result of Mrs. White’s activities the friends will become more united and feel to a greater extent the importance of their task.

Publications that had been openly hostile changed their tone. The editors of one such newspaper opened an article on the Master’s arrival by referring toHis Eminence Mírzá ‘Abbás Effendi, the learned and erudite Head of the Bahá’ís in ‘Akká and the Centre of authority for Bahá’ís throughout the worldand expressing appreciation of His visit to Alexandria.