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Yet philologists have discovered what appears to be a far-off link between the Berber and Semitic languages, and the Chleuhs of the Draa and the Souss, with their tall slim Egyptian-looking bodies and hooked noses, may have a strain of Semitic blood.

Although poorly dressed, they have generally sufficient money to defray their expenses, and few of them are beggars; of this class, however, I saw a small party, Arabs from Draa, on the S.E. side of Mount Atlas, who had set out with the Egyptian caravan by land in September, 1816. They told me that they had obtained a. free passage by sea from Tunis to Alexandria.

Sixty men punctually arrived at the appointed place. "On the day fixed, at the hour named, my old armed cruiser, the Ascendam, which they had brought back, anchored in the mouth of the Wady Draa, on the Atlantic coast, between Cape Nun and Cape Juby.

"'T roifle is loaden wi' a single ball, and 't single goon wi' yan of them green cartridges!" "Much good ball and buck-shot will do us against partridge; nevertheless, if one trees, I'll try if I can't cut his head off for him," said Archer, laughing. "Nay! nay! it be-ant book-shot; it's no but noomber three; tak' haud on't, Measter Draa, tak' haud on't.

His beasts are fit to journey to Tindouf in the country of the Draa, so fine is their condition; their saddles and accoutrements would delight the Sultan's own ministers. By Allah, the inland journey will be a picnic! Quite gravely, I have professed to believe all he says, and my reservations, though many, are all mental.

Let us be thankful for her that she has been granted this elasticity of temper, and that she is willing to the last to cheer gloom of whomsoever will be cheered in return for a little tenderness and protection. The small dollar 5 Tun. piast. The large dollar 3 metagals. One mahboub 7 Tun. piast. The drâa is an arm of strips of cotton stuff, about two inches long.

I made this day a list of objects of barter: A looking-glass in a tin case, value, in Tripoli, thirty paras, purchases here two sahs of ghaseb. A common print handkerchief, value fourpence English money, only purchases three or four sahs of ghaseb. Eight drâa of fine white calico are equal to one metagal; three of which metagals is a large dollar.

The Arabs, however, of the eastern side of Mount Atlas, at Tafilelt, and Draa, pronounce their Moggrebyn tongue with much less harshness than their western neighbours. But I must acknowledge, that of all Arabic dialects, none appeared to me so disagreeable and so adulterated as that of the young Christian fops of Cairo and Aleppo.

Ay'se gotten 't measter's single barrel; and gin I dunna ootshoot measter Draa whoy Ay'se deny my coontry!" "Most certainly you will deny it then, Tim," answered I, "for Mr. Draw shoots excellently well, and you " "And Ay'se shot mony a hare by 't braw moon, doon i' bonny Cawoods.

For my part, I travelled an entire day in the mud with bare feet, because I could not wear my sandals upon sodden ground." Draa which he reached a little farther on, presented but a mass of desert ruins; and no trace of the monuments which rendered it famous in earlier days, were visible.