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"I do not know what you are talking about, gentlemen. I have no snuff box, nor do I use tobacco in that form. And now, if you have concluded this outrage upon an American citizen, perhaps you will let me return quietly to my hotel. If you do not, I promise you you shall pay heavily for it." His words, for the moment, seemed to disconcert the two men.

But periodically it must happen that their young grow up; the daughter of the house reaches the "awkward age," becomes suddenly too old for the school-room and joins her elders below. Then comes the difficulty; there is an interval in which she is still too young for the freedom of her elders' style, and it looks as though she might disconcert them not a little, sitting there with wide eyes.

This seemed to disconcert the Welch in the rear, and, after a few whispered words, they left the high road and entered the forest land. Various groups from time to time continued to pass along the thoroughfare. But still, ever through the glades, Harold caught glimpses of the riders; now distant, now near.

The princess looked at Koznishev without replying. But the fact that Sergey Ivanovitch and the princess seemed anxious to get rid of him did not in the least disconcert Stepan Arkadyevitch. Smiling, he stared at the feather in the princess's hat, and then about him as though he were going to pick something up.

I felt that I was in some danger, but being a strong man, and used to perils of all kinds, it was not easy to disconcert me. I looked then steadily at the fellow, and, in a voice of much confidence, I said: 'I am neither a Papist, a Royalist, nor a Fitzgerald, but an honester Protestant, mayhap, than many who make louder professions. 'Then drink the honest man's toast, said he.

I am very glad to hear that General Sheridan did such good service between Richmond and Lynchburg, and hope he will keep the ball moving, I know that these raids and dashes disconcert our enemy and discourage him much. I will dispose of them north of Goldsboro', between the Weldon road and Little River.

There was quite a hullabaloo among the boys, and a great deal of argument as to who owned various articles of provender and equipment that had been brought into camp by MacMillan, and even I was on the point of jumping into the fracas in order to see fair play, until a wink from MacMillan told me that it was simply a put-up job of his to disconcert the Esquimos.

Wrote down the address of his tailor for me. Thinking to be facetious, I said: "But he might sit up all night and injure his health." "Well, let him," said Rogers; "I've done enough for him, for him to show some appreciation of it." I might as well have tried to disconcert a mummy with my facetiousness. Said Rogers: "I get all my coats there they're the only coats fit to be seen in."

This was sufficient to confirm my suspicions, and make me resolve either to make one of the party, or to disconcert it. It is believed that she was secretly married to the unfortunate Monsieur Cinqmars. "As the bagnio where I lodged was at a great distance from the Marais, as soon as the night set in I mounted my horse, without any attendant.

Once, you know, you dropped me; but nothing seemed to disconcert that young man. He must have been horribly worn out, for he had been up twice, but he was so steady and reassuringly quiet. I suppose a man of his kind would appreciate twenty dollars. He really deserves it." Ida frowned, and remembered the trail of blood on the white stones when the packer had started.