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They argue that its premises are in disaccord with the known laws governing human nature, that its details do not square with the average of probability. People who have seen and conversed with Jimmy accept it with simple faith. The advent of Jephson which I trust the reader has not entirely forgotten cheered us up considerably.

Never probably has any human institution existed in which practice was more grossly and notoriously in disaccord with pretensions and theory, and with respect to which the highest and most sacred of all conceivable human sanctions was so shamelessly desecrated and profaned to the lowest and vilest uses.

Beaupere made various attempts to lead her into contradictions of herself; also to put her words and acts in disaccord with the Scriptures. But it was lost time. He did not succeed. He returned to her visions, the light which shone about them, her relations with the King, and so on. "Was there an angel above the King's head the first time you saw him?" "By the Blessed Mary!

Posterity never reverses the unfavorable verdict of an author's contemporaries; it has no time to waste on this, for it is too busy reversing the favorable verdicts which seem to it to be in disaccord with the real merits of the case. It was Mark Twain who pithily summed up a prevailing opinion when he said that "the classics are the books everybody praises and nobody reads."

If I choose for the hero of my novel a director in an American trust; if I make him an accomplice in certain acts of ruthless economic tyranny; if I make it clear that at first he is merely subservient to a stronger will; and that the acts he approves are in complete disaccord with his private moral code why then, if the facts should be dragged to the light, if he is made to realize the exact nature of his career, how can I end my story?

But with all Preston Cheney's worldly ambitions and weaknesses, there was a vein of sincerity in his nature which forbade his feigning a faith he did not feel; and the daily lives of the three feminine members of his family were so in disaccord with his views of religion that he felt no incentive to follow in their footsteps.

The quantity measured in all cases was the intensity of the hydrogen line near G. By the employment of this definite and uniform test, results were obtained, of special value indeed, but in strong disaccord with those given by less exclusive determinations.

By their extreme disaccord with her mental condition these words produced on her a slightly suffocating effect. Mrs Verloc’s mental condition had the merit of simplicity; but it was not sound. It was governed too much by a fixed idea.

Now conscience is the sum total of the experiences in past lives which have borne sweet and bitter fruit, according as they were in accord or disaccord with surrounding natural law. This sum total of physical experiences, which result in increased or diminished life, we call instinct, and it is life-preserving.

If I'm to lose you, it must be for a better reason." "A better reason?" "Yes: a deeper one. One that means a fundamental disaccord between us. This one doesn't in spite of everything it doesn't. That's what I want you to see, and have the courage to acknowledge." "If I saw it I should have the courage!" "Yes: courage was the wrong word. You have that. That's why I'm here."