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Her face is quite colorless, but she can not altogether hide from him the sadness that still desolates her eyes. "You are right," she agrees. "In the future our lives will indeed be far distant from each other, so far apart that the very tie of friendship will readily be forgotten by us both."

Every moment she loses sight of her beloved creature. Sometimes she shakes his dwelling, sometimes she annihilates his harvests, sometimes she inundates his fields, sometimes she desolates them by a burning drought. She arms all nature against man. She arms man himself against his own species, and commonly terminates his existence in anguish. Is this then what is called preserving the universe?

Our people, divided among themselves, maddened by the struggle, and blinded by the smoke of battle, invited upon our soil contending armies the one to destroy the Government, the other to maintain it. The consequence to us is plain. The shock of the contest upturns Society and desolates the Land.

"'When one man's crimes the wrath of Heaven provoke, Oft hath a nation felt the fatal stroke. Contagion's blast destroys at Jove's command, And wasteful famine desolates the land. Or, in the field of war, her boasted powers Are lost, and earth receives her prostrate towers. In vain in gorgeous state her navies ride, Dashed, wrecked, and buried in the boist'rous tide.

Yet, since kings have been more under the restraint of law, and the curb, however weak, of honour, the records of history are not filled with such unnatural instances of folly and cruelty, nor does the despotism that kills virtue and genius in the bud, hover over Europe with that destructive blast which desolates Turkey, and renders the men, as well as the soil unfruitful.

But that which desolates families, and which causes a physical degradation of the human race exposed to the attacks of malaria, is the chronic poisoning, which undermines the springs of life and produces a slow but progressive anæmia. This infection often resists all human therapeutic measures, and is even aggravated by the use of quinine, which is given during the recurrent paroxysms of fever.

Herule and Goth disappear, the last at the cost of a war which desolates Italy during twenty years, and casts out, indeed, the Gothic invader and confiscator of Italy, but only to supply his place by the grinding exactions of an absent master, followed immediately by the inroad of fresh savages, far worse than the Goth, under whose devastation Italy is utterly ruined.

So standing, with her eyes large and dark with pity, and her soft white hand trembling upon his, she seems to him so far "Beyond all women, womanly, He dreads to think how he should fare Who came so near as to despair!" A pang desolates his heart. Alas! is not despair the only portion that can be meted out for him!

"It desolates me to hear of her extremity," the captain answered, with a fine irony, "but I am here to do my duty. I am thinking, my dear, that you are some great lady's maid?" He was eying her sharply, suspiciously; she made haste to protest: "Oh, no, monsieur; I am servant to Mme. Mesnier, the grocer's wife." "And perhaps you serve in the shop?"

Oh very fair! smiling, cultivated, and green, like England, but far happier; for slavery which disgraces the New World, and poverty which desolates the Old, are nowhere to be seen.