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'Polyte, it transpired the next day, had rushed in after the first volley of missiles, and while others were gleefully making off with jars of asafoetida and decanters of distilled water, lifted in his arms and bore away unharmed "Louisiana" firmly refusing to the last to enter the Union.

"You do not mean to contradict the good character your master gives you?" said the lady, with a smile and a look right into his eyes. "I wadna hae ye lippen till me afore ye had my word," said Malcolm. "I may use my own judgment about that," she replied, with another winning smile. "But oblige me by taking a glass of wine." She rose and approached the decanters.

"Williams has considerable, I believe. I don't think there is any in the forward house. The captain is a teetotaler." "I see. When these decanters go back, Williams takes charge of them?" "Yes. He locks them away." He dropped his voice still lower. "Empty them, Leslie," he said. "Do you understand? Throw what is left overboard.

My dining-room was well adapted for all the purposes of hospitality, being furnished with a substantial dining-table, chairs, and a sideboard, on which there always stood two trays, one filled with decanters and wine-glasses, and the other with knives and forks.

And in the centre of the room, under the big hanging lamp girt round with tapers, the table glistened like a catafalque with the whiteness of its cloth, laid in perfect style, with decorated plates, cut-glass decanters white with water or ruddy with wine, and symmetrical side-dishes, all set out around the centre-piece, a silver basket full of purple roses.

The noise of the instrument drove the little birds far away. The table was laid under the cart-shed. On it were four sirloins, six chicken fricassées, stewed veal, three legs of mutton, and in the middle a fine roast sucking-pig, flanked by four chitterlings with sorrel. At the corners were decanters of brandy.

"I say, Sam my boy!" cried, in the midst of our talk, Mr. Roundhand, who had been passing the port-wine round pretty freely, "I hope you looked to the main chance, and put in a few shares of the West Diddlesex, hey?" "Mr. Roundhand, have you put up the decanters downstairs?" cries the lady, quite angry, and wishing to stop the conversation. "No, Milly, I've emptied 'em," says R. And here Mrs.

She was drawn by the fire and the light, but she was drawn more irresistibly by the subtle, potent odour in the air. She came on like a sleep-walker. She sank down in the chair which her husband had occupied, and stretched out her fine white hand to the decanters which Miles had not removed.

The fact hurt more than Ascham's irony. "Come in come in." The editor led the way into a small cheerful room, where there were cigars and decanters. He pushed an arm-chair toward his visitor, and dropped into another with a comfortable groan. "Now, then help yourself. And let's hear all about it."

Above the tables in the dining-saloon are suspended racks, cut to receive decanters, passes, &c. so that they can be immediately placed on the table without the risk attendant on carrying them from place to place.