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"Yes," said Francie, greatly daring, "but how are you going to alter it, Uncle Timothy, without more men?" "Men!" said Timothy; "you don't want men wastin' the country's money. You want a Napoleon, he'd settle it in a month." "But if you haven't got him, Uncle Timothy?" "That's their business," replied Timothy. "What have we kept the Army up for to eat their heads off in time of peace!

Only once I was taken by one of my boys through the lanes of his village, and this was considered very daring, and the limit of permissible investigation. However, with the help of Mr.

"I do believe that my father sleeps with one eye open, thinking of that golden egg, as he calls it the little recording apparatus," she said, when the White Birch Group, as one, asked that the special program for this ceremonial meeting should be a talk from an inventor's daughter upon this most daring enterprise of the age.

Crushed on land, there was yet the possibility for William to do something for his oppressed country by attacking his enemies on the sea. It was not long before privateers in his name were harrying the Spanish vessels and swooping down upon the ports held by the Spaniards. These daring seamen took their name from the society that had been formed years before called the "Beggars."

The chevalier de Cressy and herself could not meet so frequently as both desired; and whilst suffering under the void occasioned by his absence, chance threw in her way a young relative of her husband's, a youth of about eighteen, as beautiful as Love, and as daring as that god.

She read: "YOUNG LADY: When you receive this I shall be too far away to further meet your daring, baffling challenge of my plans. What I intend to do I can not even tell myself, for everything seemed so easy of evil until you crossed my path. So easy was it that there was even no victory in the spoils. But first you came boldly to the den of poor Peters.

It was an uncanny thing to be a spectator to. "How dead still the room is!" Tembarom found himself thinking. It was "dead still." And it was a queer deal sitting, not daring to move just watching. Something was bound to happen, sure! What was it going to be? Strangeways' cigar dropped from his fingers and appeared to rouse him.

'The next morning comes an old fellow, and plants a red-flowering branch in our small clearing, whereupon our Mota boys go away, not wishing to go, but not daring to stay. No people came near us, but by-and-by comes the man who had planted it, with whom I had much talk, which ended in his pulling up and throwing away the branch, and in the return of our boys.

His success would be their annihilation, for they had no means of crossing in retreat. To men of less daring this would have seemed a mad plan. A careful general would, without hesitation, have seized and strongly garrisoned Aspern, Essling, and Enzersdorf, in order that his own line of retreat might be secure, and sufficient room be assured in which to deploy.

Theodor Wolff, the brilliant editor of the Berliner Tageblatt, with great daring for a German editor, raised this point in the edition in which the Ultimatum was printed. He asserted that the German people did not understand the case because they purposely had been left in the dark by the Government.