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In that case there would be little to fear, some trifling municipal offence, an admonition from the magistrate, two or three shillings to pay, and Gwynplaine would be set at liberty, and the representation of "Chaos Vanquished" would take place in the evening as usual. In that case no one would know that anything unusual had happened. If the cortège turned to the right, matters would be serious.

Sam asked, as a tall figure in a very short night-robe was for a moment visible. "Mrs. Biggs! Thunder, no! Don't you know a man from a woman? She lives second house from here," was the masculine response. The door was shut with a bang, and the cortége moved on to the third house, which, by investigating the lilac bushes and peonies, Sam made out belonged to the Widder Biggs.

The way was long and the December winds were cold as the royal cortége, with knightly escort, wended its way across the barren heights of Central Spain into the beautiful valley of Andalusia, across the lovely vega, past Santa , up the rugged slope of the acropolis of Granada into the Chapel Isabella, near the unrivalled Alhambra.

Dissembling her grief, Charles rose to her feet and gave directions that the bodies of the captain and her brother should be buried in their clothes and wrapped in the flag of the country. The hardy veterans raised the delicate frame of Henry, and carried it on a rude bier to the hut where the remains of the captain were prepared for interment. Silent and solemn was the funeral cortege.

"Of course there is no talk but of this. The mourning is universal and genuine, the consternation is stupefying. The Austrian Empire is being draped with black. Vienna will be a spectacle to see by next Saturday, when the funeral cortege marches." He was strongly moved by the tragedy, impelled to write concerning it.

Jefferson Edwardes went with them, and when the funeral was ended and the little cortège left the churchyard, he and Mary Burton remained a while among the graves. Most of the trees were stark and naked, but to one or two still clung shreds of departed autumn brilliancy. A maple still boasted a few scarlet tatters of the banner with which it had done honor to the Frost King.

The Empress was first to perceive this, and both she and her husband were much amused. I could not attempt to describe the cortege, although I still retain most vivid recollections of the scene, because 1 should have too much to say.

It swung from column into line, saluted the general with advanced carbines, and then, wheeling by fours to right, trotted briskly away with the little cortège, and presently its commander, after a few words with the general, fell back, peering from under his bushy headpiece, and sung out in cheery tones Geordie had not heard for many a day, yet knew on the instant: "Ah, there you are, Mr. Graham!

Somehow from that afternoon he dated the first presentation of certain vaguely miserable ideas. Inquiries made of his attendant, when the cortege had swept by, had elicited the fact that the Royal Lady herself had children little boys who were princes and little girls who were princesses.

The Minister of Marine gave a gorgeous one, the clou of which was the entrance at midnight precisely of Les Quatres Continents, being four long corteges representing Europe, America, Africa, and Asia. I was quite provoked that they did not ask me to be in the American cortege. I should have loved to have been an Indian squaw, except that a blanket is a rather warm toilette de bal.