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Saillard; how ridiculous you look. Take care, my man, you'll make the woman laugh." "'Madame la comtesse," resumed Saillard. "Is that better, wife?" "Yes, my duck." "'The place of the worthy Monsieur de la Billardiere is vacant; my son-in-law, Monsieur Baudoyer " "'Man of talent and extreme piety," prompted Gaudron. "Write it down, Baudoyer," cried old Saillard, "write that sentence down."

She served us with our coffee, then with a low bow disappeared. "Sister Thérèse," remarked the Comtesse, "is a great comfort to me; she writes all my letters and waits on me as if I were her mother." At the word "mother" the old lady paused, and I saw her blue eyes fixed on a distant sail on the lake, with a sad, almost yearning look in them. But in a moment it was gone. She turned to us, smiling.

At this instant the Comte Octave de Bauvan opened the door without knocking, and said to the Comte de Granville: "I have brought you a fair lady, my dear fellow, who did not know which way to turn; she was on the point of losing herself in our labyrinth " And Comte Octave led in by the hand the Comtesse de Serizy, who had been wandering about the place for the last quarter of an hour.

"With twenty-four thousand francs a year you could find a woman who, in the position in which you are, would suit you better than your own wife, and make you happier. I propose going this very day to see the Comtesse Ferraud and sounding the ground; but I would not take such a step without giving you due notice." "Let us go together." "What, just as you are?" said the lawyer.

He yielding as gracefully as he could, took a lodging in a quiet part of the city, where his life consisted of music, literature, and the comtesse, who visited him incessantly. Her love had quite infatuated her, to take the tone of the time; nowadays we might say that she found it so serious that she desired to make it honest.

After a moment's reflection he said to the king, "Sire, is it indispensably necessary for the service of the state that I endeavor to attain the good-will of madame la comtesse du Barry?" "No." "Well, then, sire, allow matters to remain as they are.

"I should like to observe," said the Duchesse de Montgeron, "that the first of these two questions is the only order of the day. Not counting the purchase of the land, the architect's plan calls for an estimate of five hundred thousand francs in round numbers." "And we have on hand " said the Comtesse de Lisieux.

"Why, my dear, I happened to be at the house of madame de Luxembourg, where I met with the comtesse de Boufflers." "Yes, I remember," said I, "the former of these ladies was the particular friend of Jean Jacques Rousseau." "And the second also," answered she; "and I can promise you, that neither the one or the other spoke too well of him."

"'On the day when he left, Madame la Comtesse had quitted la Grand Breteche, having dismantled it. Have you been to Merret, monsieur? No, said he, answering himself, 'Ah, it is a very fine place.

I am going to tell you of it, for it is extremely curious; it is not as it is related in the books, and I take the facts from good authority. You must hear of it, and you will see. "There was once a Comtesse de Poitiers, named Honorinde, to whom fate had given for a husband the greatest hunter in the world.