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It is said that on one occasion he managed even to give the slip to Claverhouse himself, which, you know, is not easy." "That may be, sir, but he'll no slip through my fingers gin I ance git a grup o' his thrapple," said the swarthy man, with a revengeful look.

It was to Dudhope Claverhouse brought his bride, after that stormy honeymoon which she had to spend under the shadow of her mother's hot displeasure in Paisley Castle, and he occupied with the weary hunt of Covenanters up and down the West Country. Their wedding day was the 10th of June, but it was not till August that Claverhouse and his wife came home to Dudhope.

Claverhouse was of another breed from Grimond, and had the chivalrous instincts of his house, but as the time wore on and Graham went with the Prince's guards after the surrender of Grave to The Hague, where Colonel MacKay and the Scots Brigade were also stationed, the constant spray of insinuations of MacKay's cunning and the Prince's prejudice began to tell upon his mind.

The crew were jettisoning the cargo of wheat on to the ice as it flowed past, but the more they lightened the farther the vessel was forced on to the bank by the rushing current. The master of the Claverhouse, observing the critical position, sent a boat away with a small line. A communication was effected, but not without great difficulty.

Much as the knowledge may have chafed them, they knew well that Claverhouse was the one man on whom they could depend for wise counsel and prompt action in emergency.

"By what right is it, sir," said he firmly, and without waiting till he was questioned, "By what right is it that these soldiers have dragged me from my family, and put fetters on the limbs of a free man?" "By my commands," answered Claverhouse; "and I now lay my commands on you to be silent and hear my questions."

In a kind of despair, I turned half-way through the volume; and coming upon his lordship dealing with General Cannon, and fresh from Claverhouse and Killiecrankie, here, with elucidative spelling, was my reward: 'Meanwhile the disorders of Kannon's Kamp went on inKreasing. He Kalled a Kouncil of war to Konsider what Kourse it would be advisable to taKe.

Graham," said William severely. "Neither of us are old men, but I take it you are older than I am " "I am twenty-six years of age, may it please your Highness," interpolated Claverhouse, "and have served in two armies." "We are, at any rate, old enough not to play the fool or carry ourselves like headstrong boys.

"And narrowly escaped the consequences, you would say?" answered Claverhouse "why, I will answer you frankly. Then I thought I had to do with the son of an old roundheaded rebel, and the nephew of a sordid presbyterian laird; now I know your points better, and there is that about you which I respect in an enemy as much as I like in a friend.

"It's no true every time 'Like master like man'" and Kirsty made a bold opening, as was the way of her class "for I never saw a woman wi' a bonnier face than Claverhouse, and, my certes, mony a lass would give ten years o' her life, aye, and mair, for his brown curls and his glancing een. I'm judgin' there have been sair hearts for him amang the fair Court ladies."