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I am Cheorge Dargo, ant ven I zay a thing I mean it' He pointed to a door. 'Through that, he said, 'is a lafadory. You can vash your hands and gome and haf lunge. Paul obeyed, and at the luncheon-table was introduced to Mrs. Darco, a lean brunette, who by way of establishing her own dignity was sulkily disdainful of the newcomer.

There was no mistaking the verdict of the house, and the Press was as emphatic as the first night's audience. 'Vod did I dell you? Darco asked. 'Vame and vorchune are at your veed. It vos a luggy day for us to meet. Vot? Not? I am Cheorge Darga! Paul was tired, excited, and elated all at once.

Darco worried him incessantly, bubbling with unhelpful enthusiasm, roaring at him, pushing and hauling him hither and thither, so that at last he resigned himself to a stupor of despair. The leading lady intervened, and she and Darco talked together for a minute. 'Tam it! he shouted. 'Do you think I want anypoty to deach me? I am Cheorge Dargo. I know my drade!

'Do you hear? he stormed, clapping his hands together. 'Glear for Act dwo. Look here, ladies and chentlemen, I am Cheorge Dargo. I do not zay to anypoty twice. From the moment when he gripped the idea that this was a rehearsal the place was a fairyland to Paul.

'Now, berhabs, said his employer, 'you think I am a vool to gif you a vife-bound node. But if you are not honest I shall be rit of you jeaply, and I shall know at vonce. Paul fired a little at this. 'If you don't think I am to be trusted you had better not employ me. 'That is all right, said Darco. 'I am Cheorge Dargo. I do things my own vay. Look here. Are you vond of imidading beobles?

Darco travelled with his own company, majestically Astrachan-furred and splendid, but rarely clean-shaven. Nine days in ten an aggressive stubble on cheek and chin seemed to sprout from an inward sense of his own glorious import. 'I am Cheorge Dargo, he said unfailingly to every provincial stage-manager he met 'I nefer sbeaks to beobles twice.

And zo she stands at the door and she looks at Raoul, and he toes not know she is there, ant vor just those vive zeconds there is no music, not a note, and then Look here, I am Cheorge Dargo; I can write a blay, and stage a blay, and baint the zeenery for a blay, and I can gompose the music for a blay, and I can berform on every damned inztrument in the orghestra.

But there are no new iteas, and you may take my vort for it. If anypoty asks who told you that, say it was Cheorge Dargo. 'Let me read it to you, Paul urged. 'It's hardly likely that a youngster like myself is going to have the cheek to charge you with having stolen your ideas now, is it? Darco smoothed a little. 'You could tell me if there's anything in it, or if I'm wasting time.

I am Cheorge Dargo, ant vere I haf not been it is nod vorth vile to co; and vot I do not know apout a theatre it is not vorth vile to learn. Sdob vith me, and I will deach you your business. The company played a week within five miles of Castle Barfield, and Paul snatched an hour for home.

If you burchase it, it is yours, and nopoty can take it away. Honesty is the best policy. And, pesides that, I am Cheorge Dargo. I know my way apout. Paul could have hugged him for sheer joy at hearing the familiar brag again: 'I am Cheorge Dargo. The old countersign was like music. 'Where are we going? asked Paul.