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There are at present three strong commandos of burghers fighting upon the British side, commanded by three Boer Generals Marais, Celliers, and the younger Cronje, all of whom had made their names in fighting against us. This fact alone goes far to dispel those stories of British barbarity with which I shall presently deal.

Celliers, Dutch Minister from Aberdeen, Cape Colony, sent to inspect the Port Elizabeth Refugee Camp: 'He was writing this to show that the British Government were doing everything in their power to help the exiles, and to show that, although these exiles' relatives and friends were still in the field, yet the powers were merciful and kind to the exiles, showing them no enmity, for which they felt grateful.

The movement spread until before the end of the war there were several thousand burghers under such well-known officers as Celliers, Villonel, and young Cronje, fighting against their own guerilla countrymen. Who, in 1899, could have prophesied such a phenomenon as that!

In thirty minutes from the time that Celliers had fired the first shot, Moselikatse's general, whose name was Kalipi, had given the order to retire, and his hosts drew off sullenly, for we had beaten them. Thirty minutes! Only thirty minutes the shadows had shifted but a few inches on the grass, and yet now that it was done with it seemed like half a lifetime.

It is that I do not like to leave Marie alone, fearing lest her father should play some trick on me as regards her and Hernan Pereira." "Oh, if that is all you are afraid of, Allan, I can soon settle matters; for I will give orders to the prédicant Celliers that he is not to marry Marie Marais to anyone except yourself, even if she asks him.

As it was, the garrison were driven to their last trench, but held out under a very heavy fire all day, and next morning the Boers abandoned the attack. Their losses appear to have been over fifty in number, and included Commandant Celliers, who was badly wounded and afterwards taken prisoner at Warm Baths.

President Steyn's lager had in the meanwhile become 250 men strong, under Commandant Lategan, and was then at Krokodil River. At Nelspruit I met a couple of old friends, Malherbe and Celliers, with whom I left for the lager. They were both Transvaalers who had been studying in Holland, but had returned before finishing their studies on account of the war.

Celliers was the messenger sent by Colonel Rhodes and not Mr. Rowland; the latter having been later on picked up 'for company, was presumably less qualified to speak about the instructions and messages than Celliers, from whom indeed he learned all that he knew. The letter was written by Col. H. F. White in the presence of the cyclists, and partly at the dictation of Dr. Jameson.

I then attended the discussion as set forth in the declaration given by J.T. Celliers, dated March 6, 1896, and confirmed by Messrs. Michiel Joseph Adendorff and Benjamin Johannes Vilgoen. The purport of that discussion is correctly rendered. F.J. POTGIETER, Commandant, Krugersdorp. This sworn before me on this the 6th day of March, 1896. H.J. COSTER, State Attorney and ex-officio J.P.

Is it strange, therefore, that I, believing now as ever in that vision, should wish to visit this mountain where, as I am sure, I shall find the wife that is lost to me?" After this the Boers laughed no more but consulted apart till at last the elder, Heer Celliers, spoke. "Heeren Botmar and Kenzie," he said, "of all this story of a vision we can say little.