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At last, owing perhaps to the pressure, against the obstruction of a clot of blood, or perhaps to some unusual strain of work or passion, the enfeebled vessel bursts, and death speedily ensues from a form of apoplexy. Showing the Carotid Artery and Jugular Vein on the Right Side, with Some of their Main Branches.

Now I was at the angle of the jaw, and as the ringing blade swept over the skin I traced the edge of the strap-like muscle and mentally marked the spot where it crossed the great carotid artery. I could even detect the pulsation of the vessel. How near it was to the surface! A little dip of the razor's beak at that spot "But still I had no clear evidence that he was the right man.

It is only necessary to say that the implements in question are of two kinds; one, the "carotid fork," is an adjustable instrument, which being held in the hand of the operator permits him to exert any degree of pressure upon both carotids for any desired length of time.

It's only right for me to tell you that it lies very close to the carotid artery, and that it will be an extraordinarily nice operation to get it out without well, you know " I looked up into his face, that strange face which I was now beginning so well to know the face of my enemy. I knew it was the face of a murderer, a man who would have no compunction at taking a human life.

"But he will remain as he is after embalming for all eternity. The operation is over in a few seconds. Just an incision in the carotid artery and an injection. But it is high time; if you wait one single quarter of an hour, sir, you will not have the sweet satisfaction of preserving the body...." "Go to der teufel!... Bons is ein spirit und dat spirit is in hefn."

Wishing to ascertain just what part the blood-supply on the opposite sides of the neck played in the process of development, or, perhaps more correctly, to see what effect cutting off the main blood-supply would have, Hunter had one of the deer of Richmond Park caught and tied, while he placed a ligature around one of the carotid arteries one of the two principal arteries that supply the head with blood.

Medart opened one of the pouches on his belt and took out a small injector. "As you can see, my medikit's not that big, and I damnsure didn't think I'd need enough quidine for two months plus. I've got four doses, which is enough for about thirty hours." He felt for his carotid, triggered the painkiller into the artery, and seconds later sighed in relief. "Whew that's a lot better."

H wounded shot through the neck thought not mortal at Keedysville Through the neck, no bullet left in wound. Windpipe, food-pipe, carotid, jugular, half a dozen smaller, but still formidable, vessels, a great braid of nerves, each as big as a lamp-wick, spinal cord, ought to kill at once, if at all. Thought not mortal, or not thought mortal, which was it?

"He glared at me with such furious suspicion that I instinctively opened my scissors and looked at the neighborhood of his carotid. But I took his question quite pleasantly. "'That's what they all say, I remarked with a foolish smile. "'Who do? he demanded. "'Everybody that I ask. They all say, "What should I know about fences?" It's very inconvenient for me.

La Friezê had murdered the superintendent, and they gave us the details, which were horrible. The former butcher had hidden behind a door, and catching hold of the other, had rolled onto the ground with him and bitten him in the throat, tearing out his carotid, from which the blood spurted into the murderer's face. I saw him, la Friezê.