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The black backed away slowly until Calumet was within fifty feet of him it seemed to Betty that the horse knew from previous experience the length of a rope and then with a snort of defiance it wheeled and raced to the opposite end of the corral. "Watch the gate!" called Calumet to Kelton. He continued to approach the black.

"I reckon she's gone to bed," returned the young man. For a few minutes Calumet stood near the door, watching the dog and the boy. Several times he looked toward the other doors, disappointment revealed in his eyes. Was he to take Betty's departure before his arrival as an indication that she had fled from him?

You told me I'd have to try again or somethin' like that. I reckon you thought I was after the idol?" "Yes." "Then the Taggarts have tried to get it since you've been here?" "Many times." "But you left the front door open the night I came," insinuated Calumet, his eyes glowing subtly. "That looks like you was invitin' someone to come in an' get the idol."

"Of these," says Loskiel, "the chief is the dance of peace, called also the calumet or pipe dance, because the calumet or pipe of peace is handed about during the dance. This is the most pleasing to strangers who attend as spectators. The dancers join hands, and leap in a ring for some time. Suddenly the leader lets go the hand of one of his partners, keeping hold of the other.

They danced the calumet before him; while an Indian, taking him, with an air of great respect, by the shoulders, as he sat, shook him in cadence with the thumping of the drum. They then placed two girls close beside him, as his wives; while, at the same time, an old chief tied a painted feather in his hair.

The calumet having been prepared and lighted by Mr.

Even at that distance, so clear was the light, Calumet caught a vague impression of his features his nose, especially, which was big, hawk-like. Calumet yielded to a sudden wonder over the rider's appearance on the hill. He had not seen him; had not heard him before.

"You're still yearlin' and need some one to keep an eye on you, so's some careless son of a gun won't herd-ride you." That Dade accepted this in the spirit in which it was spoken made it possible for them to bunk together in amity. If Dade had "sized up" Calumet, the latter had made no mistake in Dade. Dade snuffed out the candle and followed Malcolm out.

A large gay mat of rushes was spread in the center of the grove, and the warrior selected to dance put his god, or manitou some tiny carven image which he carried around his person and to which he prayed on the mat beside a beautiful calumet. Around them he spread his bow and arrows, his war club, and stone hatchet.

The kind of man who can lean up against a mantel, or propose a toast, or give an order to a man-servant, or whisper a gallant speech in a lady's ear with equal ease. The shabby old house on Calumet Avenue was transformed into a brocaded and chandeliered rendezvous for the brilliance of the city. Beauty was here, and wit. But none so beautiful and witty as She. Mrs. er Jo Hertz.