United States or Montserrat ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Toward the north the forest becomes denser, and the peaks higher; and glaciers creep down toward the valleys from the fields of everlasting snow. The brooks are brawling, trout-filled torrents; the swift rivers roam over rapid and cataract, on their way to one or other of the two great oceans.

He was up before dawn and on the southern trail, knowing that the Indian host would soon be on the same course, though going more slowly. His trail lay to the east of that which had led him north, but the country was of the same general character. Everywhere, save for the little prairies, it was wooded densely, and the countless streams, whether creeks or brooks, were swollen by the winter thaw.

During this time so little rain fell, that the vegetation, even to the thistles, failed; the brooks were dried up, and the whole country assumed the appearance of a dusty high road. This was especially the case in the northern part of the province of Buenos Ayres and the southern part of St. Fe. Very great numbers of birds, wild animals, cattle, and horses perished from the want of food and water.

In the course of fifteen years I have seen four May-days when there was enough grass to blow in the wind and frost had wholly left for the season; to balance this there have been two brief snow squalls, three deluges that washed even big beans out of ground, and a scorching drought that reduced the brooks, unsheltered by leafage, to August shallowness.

"The judge was to arrive by the coach from Martinez to Fair Plains, and is due now." "Is there no GENTLEMAN to introduce him? Must we take him on the word of a common trader by Jove! a whiskey-seller?" continued the previous voice sneeringly. "On the word of a lady, Mr. Brooks," said Captain Pinckney, with a slight gesture towards Mrs. Brant "who answers for both."

And the mare went without leading. It was broad light when they had passed the glade and the covert of the wood. Before them, between great mountains, glimmered a space of rolling grass fed to deep greenness by many brooks.

Now the east has always been noted for its wisdom, so he questioned these men with riddles. "What walks along the grass, steps on the edge of the fence, and walks along the sides of the reeds?" he asked. "The bee," answered the wise man of the party. "What drinks from the brooks and wells, and from the stones on the bank?" "The rainbow," replied the wise man.

Henry did not heed the question, so forgetfully was he gazing, and Brooks repeated it. "If you have decided not to worry," Henry answered, "it is better not to trouble yourselves at all. I doubt whether you could ever find the publishers of the paper." "You are right," Brooks agreed.

For some minutes Alice stood without speaking, looking out in all directions over the country and a most curious country it was. There were a number of tiny little brooks running straight across it from side to side, and the ground between was divided up into squares by a number of little green hedges, that reached from brook to brook.

Dorner, Ernesti, Ruckert, Edward Beecher, Henry Ward Beecher, Phillips Brooks, preached many a time touching the question of the pre-existence and rebirth of the individual soul. Swedenborg and Emerson maintained it. Emerson says in his essay on Experience, "We wake and find ourselves on a stair.