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Gwynne Ellis was delighted when Cardo broached the subject as they roamed over the cliff in the moonlight. "Can you paint animals and er er human beings as well as you can scenery, Ellis?" "Not quite, perhaps, but still pretty well. You liked that sketch of 'The priest and the girl at the confessional, didn't you?" "Yes very much.

At five o'clock, they had some cookies, ostensibly for Claribel, since Mrs. Wilson could not stay to tea; and then, when the little maid had taken hers out to the front steps, Lucindy broached a daring plan, that moment conceived. "Say, Jane," she whispered, with great pretence of secrecy, "what do you think just come into my head?

At length he again broached the subject, which I could see was of great interest to him, and warming to his theme under the influence of a sympathetic listener and good cheer, he finally told me in a burst of confidence and with low, excited voice, the following fact relative to Man-tze.

This was Cicely Drane; and although it was not yet ten days since Miss Panney broached her plan of the employment of Miss Drane as the doctor's secretary, or rather copyist, here she was, hard at work, and she had been for two days.

Her heart seemed to beat in her bosom like an imprisoned dove. It was his voice, calm and resonant with strength, that brought her to earth again. "And I am ready for it, lieutenant. Right about face. Forward march!" After breakfast they went out and tramped together the little path of hard-trodden snow in front of the house. She broached the prospect of a rescue or the chances of escape.

To-day, was somewhat released from this exercise, though still suffering, and almost thought it would not be required. But at dusk it returned; and, having occasion to go into H.'s room for something, I broached the subject as guardedly and mildly as possible, first passing my arm around him, and leaning my head on his shoulder.

She was more guarded, more on the alert for eavesdroppers, as though somebody had become suspicious. My Gentile education she never broached again. Finally when a letter came from her father announcing his speedy return and Shiphrah hastened to terminate my stay at the house, Matilda was obviously glad to have me go.

Five minutes later, the baron approached the celebrated Ganimard, introduced himself, and sought to commence a conversation, but that was a failure. Then he broached the real object of his interview, and briefly stated his case. The other listened, motionless, with his attention riveted on his fishing-rod.

But as it had been he who had broached the subject of her leaving, it was he who must reopen it. "No, but I guess anything I've got to say to him will keep till he gets back. Ed's thinking of buying a clearing-machine that's for sale over Prentice way." "Yes, he told me." Without turning her head, she could tell that he was looking around for the matches.

"I'd be very pleased to, Uncle Buzz." And thus was the matter broached, and the matter accepted, without any bald reference to necessity, without the slightest violation to the tenets of hospitality. No reference was made to a previous understanding. Joe's visit was established on a purely social basis, and as such it would be presented to Mrs.