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Had he come to her and blustered, "You shall not leave me for any purpose whatsoever," she would have denied him the right of dictation; but there was no such conflict of wills. They were both involved in this love of their making a love whose demands were treacherous.

From father to son, for above a hundred years, they followed the sea; a gray-headed shipmaster, in each generation, retiring from the quarter-deck to the homestead, while a boy of fourteen took the hereditary place before the mast, confronting the salt spray and the gale, which had blustered against his sire and grandsire.

"I don't intend to harm any of you. Especially you, Mr. Hamblin. I only want to know where my son Arthur is." "I haven't got your son!" blustered Hamblin. "Make me a search!" cried Hans. "I'm not talking to you two," snarled the Captain. "I'm directing my talk to this sneak," pointing a shaking finger at Ned, whose muscles drew under the insult.

The shot went off, but his hand had knocked up the gun. "My God, Stewart! Are you clean crazy!" said Bayne, gripping him by the arm. "Do you know what you are doing? You are not fit to carry a gun!" "I'd have bust his blanked tires for him, anyway!" blustered Duff, though his face and voice showed that he had received a shock.

The movements of the craft now rapidly grew more lively; she heeled still more steeply under the pressure of the wind; the splash and rush of water alongside grew momentarily more confused; bulkheads began to creak, and cabin-doors to jar and rattle upon their hooks; the two people overhead began to pace the deck to and fro; the wind whistled and blustered with increasing loudness through the rigging; and as the craft plunged more sharply I caught the sound of an occasional clatter of spray upon the deck forward.

Finally he emerged from the bar and mustered up sufficient courage to threaten: "Mrs. Burke, if you don't quit, I'll send for the police," he blustered. Hepsey gazed calmly at her victim and replied: "I wouldn't, if I was in your place." "Well then, I give you fair warning I'll put you out myself if you don't go peaceable in five minutes." "No, Silas; you're wrong as usual.

'You don't say so! That's she, is it? said the South Wind. 'Well, I have blustered about in most places in my time, but so far have I never blown; but if you will, I'll take you to my brother the North Wind; he is the oldest and strongest of the whole lot of us, and if he don't know where it is, you'll never find any one in the world to tell you.

So the next afternoon he met Arden in the village, and blustered up to him, saying: "Look here, young Lacey, what were you doing at the Allens' last night?" "None of your business." "Yes, it is my business, too, as you may find out to your cost. I am engaged to marry Miss Edith Allen, and guess it's my business who's hanging around there. I warn you to keep away." Mr.

"You are thinking of that playhouse of yours and Laurie's that was carried off by the deluge." "I am afraid I was, sir." "Pooh! Nonsense!" blustered the old gentleman. "What's a thing like that? Besides, Laurie's father proposes to rebuild it for you. Hasn't he told you?" questioned the man, noticing the surprise in the boy's face. "Oh, yes, indeed!

"I I didn't make any Oh, I'm not going to talk to you!" blustered Andy. "Get out of my way! I'm going to fly my airship." The bully pushed past Tom, and started toward the triplane. But Tom had found out what he wanted to know. Andy had made a copy of the map. From now on there would be every danger that the bully would make an effort to get to the valley of gold.