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If I go on my trip to South America, in a year or two, I shall be tempted to ask you to lend him to me, Mr. Bhaer," said Mr. Hyde, whose interest in Dan was much increased by the report he had just heard of him. "You shall have him, and welcome, though we shall miss our young Hercules very much. It would do him a world of good, and I am sure he would serve his friend faithfully."

Never were letters so read, passed round, admired, and cried over as these; for Mrs Jo carried them in her pocket when Mr Bhaer did not have them in his, and both took a look at them when they said their prayers at night.

Bhaer had infinite patience with him, and kept on in spite of the apparent hopelessness of the task, not caring for book lessons, but trying gently to clear away the mists from the darkened mind, and give it back intelligence enough to make the boy less a burden and an affliction. Mrs. Bhaer strengthened his health by every aid she could invent, and the boys all pitied and were kind to him.

Bhaer pointed to one empty seat, and every eye followed his finger, yet no one spoke for a minute, they were so surprised. "Jack went home early this morning, but he left this behind him;" and in the silence Mr. Bhaer read the note which he had found tied to his door-handle when he rose. "I took Tommy's dollar. I was peeking in through a crack and saw him put it there.

"Did she write it?" asked Demi, in an awe-stricken tone. "Yes, but you can imagine what a piece of work she make of it, though she was rather a bright child." "I'd like to have seen it," said Mr. Bhaer. "Perhaps I can find it for you; I went to school with her," and Mrs. Jo looked so wicked that every one knew who the little girl was.

Bhaer spoke now as earnestly as she had done, and both came in together to find Dan's head down upon his arm, as if he was quite overcome by sleep. But he looked up quickly, and tried to rise as Mr. Bhaer said pleasantly, Well, let us see if we can get on more comfortably this time than we did before." "Thanky, sir," said Dan, trying not to be gruff, and finding it easier than he expected.

Jo said, but they knew what she meant, and flew to obey her orders. In ten minutes, Mr. Bhaer and Silas were off to the wood, and Franz tearing down the road on old Andy to search the great pasture. Mrs.

Her father failed, and she was heartbroken at having to leave college; but that splendid man just stepped in and made it all right. 'Yes, and Professor Bhaer has several of the boys down at his house evenings to help them along so they can keep up with the rest; and Mrs Bhaer took care of Charles Mackey herself when he had a fever last year.

Another time you must wait, for you will get into trouble if you run away. Promise me this, or I shall not dare to trust you out of my sight," said Mrs. Bhaer, wiping the dust off Nan's little hot face. "Well, I won't, only papa tells me not to put off doing things, so I don't." "That is rather a poser; I think you had better give her some supper now, and a private lecture by and by," said Mr.

Bhaer, who went off to look at the cows, with Teddy on his shoulder. "Did you ever have such a good time as this before?" asked Nat, as they lay about on the grass, nibbling pennyroyal like a flock of sheep. "Not since I last flew a kite, years ago, when I was a girl," answered Mrs. Jo. "I'd like to have known you when you were a girl, you must have been so jolly," said Nat.