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The idea underlying things was that a young man must first and foremost learn to keep himself well and comfortably; if he could not do this in Hamburg, then as soon as possible he must set off to some place across the sea, to Rio, or New York, to the Argentine, or Cape Colony, and there make his way and earn a fortune.

I attended it myself in my journalistic capacity, and I was deeply impressed by the fact that here was an assembly which might very well mark the opening of a fresh epoch in Irish history, for there had come together for counsel and deliberation men from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Newfoundland, the Argentine, as well as from all parts of Great Britain and Ireland men who, by reason of their eminence, public worth, sympathies and patriotism, were calculated to give a new direction and an inspiring stimulus to the Irish Movement.

"Then there's only one thing to do if he agrees, and that is to go with him and bring the property back with you." Charles groaned. "It may mean the Argentine. Spain's no place for investments these days." "It's rough on you, old man, but it's the best I can think of," said Graeme. "And supposing he tells me to go hang?" "Then," said Graeme, with a shrug, "I don't see that you can help him.

And, having become animated, forgetting that he was being dragged into a trap, he began speaking exaltedly: "Just imagine what Shepsherovich did last year! He carried to Argentine thirty women from Kovno, Vilno, Zhitomir. Each one of them he sold at a thousand roubles a total, madam count it of thirty thousand! Do you think Shepsherovich calmed down with this?

Even with those of us who believe in the Monroe Doctrine there begins to arise a question as to which are nearest the interests and the hearts of Americans, the sort of "dumb driven cattle" who allow themselves to be governed by such men as now control Venezuela, or the people of Germany and other civilized parts of Europe, as well as those of the better South American republics, like Chile, the Argentine Republic, Brazil, and others, whose interests, aspirations, ideals, and feelings are so much more closely akin to our own.

A little gray on the temples, as well as a few tiny wrinkles of concentration about the eyes, gave him an air of maturity beyond his age of thirty-two. The Anglo-Saxon influence in the Argentine is English from which cause he had insensibly taken on an English air, as his speech had acquired something of the English intonation.

"It's a fine day," observed Winton; and then, to background Miss Carteret effectually as a topic: "How do the people of Argentine feel about the opposition to our line?" "They're red-hot; you can put your money on that. The C. G. R.'s a sure-enough tail-twister where there ain't no competition. Your road'll get every pound of ore in the camp if it ever gets through."

However, he had started an ambitious-looking overhaul operation, which looked as though it was good for a hundred hours but which could be dropped on a minute's notice, and under cover of this he had been taking on supplies and ammunition. We made a long audiovisual of Murell announcing his price of eighty centisols a pound for wax on behalf of Argentine Exotic Organics, Ltd.

"I bet if I owned her I'd dig up enough business in Brazil and the Argentine to keep her busy. I'd be dodging backward and forward through the Canal." "You would, of course," Jerry answered placidly; "but the Oriental Steamship Company cannot." "Why?" "Fifty-one per cent. of their stock is owned by a railroad and under the law no railroad-owned ship may use the Canal." Matt's eyebrows arched.

Most ships are provided with syntonic receivers which are tuned to long distance transmitters, and are capable of receiving messages up to distances of 3,000 miles or more. Marconi, in the Argentine Republic, near Buenos Ayres, has received messages from the station at Clifden, County Galway, Ireland, a distance of 5,600 miles.