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Pisa does to Jove belong, Jove and Pisa claim thy song. The fair first-fruits of war, th' Olympic games, Alcides, offer'd up to Jove; Alcides, too, thy strings may move, But, oh! what man to join with these can worthy prove?

Through all the voluptuous softness acquired by intercourse with these Barbarians, the strong nature of the descendant of the demigod still breaks forth. Even at the distaff I recognize Alcides, whether for evil or for good. Pausanias is one on whom our most anxious gaze must be duly bent. But in this change of his I rejoice; the gods are at work for Athens.

Impatient of revenge, quit Gallick jars, And draw his conquering sword for civil wars. In cloudy Alps, where the divided rock To cunning Grecians did its nerves unlock, Altars devoted to Alcides smoke.

Hercules and Antaus. The Earth power, half hidden by the earth, its hair and hand becoming roots, the strength of its life passing through the ground into the oak tree. He is, therefore, the Power invoked by Dante to place Virgil and him in the lowest circle of Hell; "Alcides whilom felt, that grapple, straitened sore," etc.

The poet Schiller, in one of his pieces called the "Ideal and Life," illustrates the contrast between the practical and the imaginative in some beautiful stanzas, of which the last two may be thus translated: "Deep degraded to a coward's slave, Endless contests bore Alcides brave, Through the thorny path of suffering led; Slew the Hydra, crushed the lion's might, Threw himself, to bring his friend to light, Living, in the skiff that bears the dead.

'Would he were ready with them! Belleisle had been saying, ever since the Treaty for them, Treaty was, September 19th. Valori ran over from Berlin to wait upon him there. "The sympathies of Valori go deep at this spectacle. The Alcides, who was carrying the axis of the world, fallen down in physical rheumatism! But what can sympathies avail? The great man sees the Saxons march without him.

He was habited like Alcides; his enormous limbs, furrowed with veins as thick as whipcord, were covered with a close-fitting flesh-colored garment, to which a pair of red drawers formed a strong contrast. "Why do you rush in like a storm, Goliath?" said Morok. "There's a pretty storm in the house; they are beginning to get impatient, and are calling out like madmen. But if that were all!"

To us also in our desire time bore a god's aid and arrival. For princely Alcides the avenger came glorious in the spoils of triple Geryon slain; this way the Conqueror drove the huge bulls, and his oxen filled the river valley.

Descripcion de España de Harif Alcides Coneido. Madrid, 1799. 4to. This work, by the geographer of Nubia, as he is generally called, is extremely interesting from the picture it gives of Spain under the Moors. It was translated by D.J.A. Condé, who has added notes, comparing its state at that remote period, and in 1799. Ponz Viage de España. Madrid, 1776, &c. 18 vols. 12mo.

His name was Alcides, or Hercules, and he was so strong at ten months old that, with his own hands, he strangled two serpents whom Juno sent to devour him in his cradle. He was bred up by Chiron, the chief of the Centaurs, a wondrous race of beings, who had horses' bodies as far as the forelegs, but where the neck of the horse would begin had human breasts and shoulders, with arms and heads.