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The wind shifting, the packet had to land her passengers at Balbriggan, twenty-one miles north of Dublin, from which my uncle took a special post-chaise to Dublin, presenting his glad parents, on his arrival, with a bill for L31 16s., a nice fare for a boy of fourteen to pay for going home for his holidays!

C.E. MAURICE. The Revolutionary Movement of 1848-49. 1887. 16s. The best epitome in English. COUNT FRANCIS LUTZOW. Bohemia. 1896. EMILY G. BALCH. Our Slavic Fellow Citizens. New York. 1910. The best book on emigration. 10s. 6d. net. W. MILLER. The Balkans. 1896. W. MILLER. The Ottoman Empire, 1801-1913. 1913. Turkish history is only introduced incidentally. 7s. 6d. net.

John 60. 0.0 3 Cows 14. 8.0 1 Pair 3 year old steers 9. 0.0 1 Bull 54s., 1 do. 30s. 4. 4.0 6 Sheep @ 18s., 7 Hogs @ 16s. 11. 0.0 1 Burch Canoe 1. 0.0 2 Carpenter's adzes @ 7s., 2 drills @ 6s. 1. 0.0 4 Pairs Snow Shoes @ 7s. 6d. 1.10.0 2 Steel plated handsaws @ 8s. 16.0 1 Set mill irons 7. 0.0 2M Staves shaved and joined 4.16.0 £451. 4.10

By this statute, the high duties upon importation for home consumption are taken off, so soon as the price of middling wheat rises to 48s. the quarter; that of middling rye, pease, or beans, to 32s.; that of barley to 24s.; and that of oats to 16s.; and instead of them, a small duty is imposed of only 6d upon the quarter of wheat, and upon that or other grain in proportion.

Embroidered muslin robes, newest fashion, cost 18s. 9d., to be sold for 9s. 6d. Worked lace dresses, cost 35s., to be sold at 14s. 9d. Do. do. cost 28s. 6d., to be sold at 7s. 6d. Newest dresses, of fashionable materials, worth 35s., to be sold for 9s. 9d. Splendid Paisley shawls, worth 2-1/2 guineas, for 16s.

To such as can and will read that more minute account it is accessible at a low rate,* and is strongly recommended for careful and leisurely perusal. But for the present purpose the life-story, as found in these pages, takes both a briefer and a different form. * Five volumes at 16s. Published by Jas. Nisbet & Co., London. With subsequent Annual Reports at 3d. each.

I did make even with Mr. Fairebrother for my degree of Master of Arts, which cost me about 9l. 16s. 15th. To the office, and after dinner by water to White Hall, where I found the King gone this morning by five of the clock to see a Dutch pleasure-boat below bridge, where he dines and my Lord with him, The King do tire all his people that are about him with early rising since he come. 18th. 20th.

The other third of Ulva, with the island of Staffa, belonged to Macquarry of Ormaig. Its rent, including that of Staffa, £83 12s. 2-1/2d. set up at £2178 16s. 4d. sold for no less than £3,540. The Laird of Col wished to purchase Ulva, but he thought the price too high.

After the play, she, and I, and Rolt, by coach, 6s. 6d., to Kensington, and there to the Grotto, and had admirable pleasure with their singing, and fine ladies listening to us: with infinite pleasure, I enjoyed myself: so to the tavern there, and did spend 16s. 6d., and the gardener 2s.

The whole family has been out of work for the last seventeen weeks, and before that, they had been working only short time for seven months. For thirteen weeks they had lived upon less than one shilling a head per week, and I am not sure that they did not pay the rent out of that; and now the income of the whole eleven is under 16s., with rent to pay.