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Updated: August 5, 2024

And these things I haue annexed the rather vnto this table of Mar del Zur; considering that none of those Authours which haue written the Histories of the Newe world, haue in any part of their writings, mentioned one word thereof. Hitherto Ortelius.

Haupt, Hermes XIV, p.44, note 1; also G. Sotiriadis, Zur Kritik des Johannes von Antiochia, Supplem. annal. philol. vol. Cp. None of their resolutions was valid in case even one of them opposed it.

This account of the discoveries of Prince Henry is drawn up with much judgment and learning. Neue Beitrage zur Keuntniss von Africa. Von J.R. Forster. Berlin, 1794. 2 vols. 8vo. Neue Systematescke Erd-beschriebung von Africa. Von Bruns. Nurem. 1793-99. 6 vols. 8vo. A most valuable work on Africa in general.

For that purpose he wants your special permission, and has asked me to get it from you. If you have no objection to this close which has already been published in Brendel's paper appearing in this edition, be kind enough to give me your consent in a few lines, and address your letter, "Hotel Zur Kaiserin von Oestreich," Vienna, for which I start to-night.

'Cod, captain, but you have made a bargain of it! Od's bud! you have done these London fools to some purpose. 'What is this? roared the captain. 'Here is one who hath not touched his allowance. How now, sirrah, art too dainty in the stomach to eat what your betters have eaten before you? 'I have no hairt for food, zur, the prisoner answered. 'What, you must have your whims and fancies!

"Sir Timothy doan't hold wi' the war," said the landlord. "Mar shame vor 'un," said Happy Jack. "But me and Zur Timothy, us made up our minds tu differ long ago. I'm arl vor vighting vurriners Turks, Rooshans, Vrinchmen; 'tis arl one tu I." "Why doan't 'ee volunteer thyself, Vather Jack?

'Twas a wondrous kind lie told with such perfect dissimulation that it carried the conviction of truth. "What say?" she asked, leaning forward. "A pretty child," the doctor repeated, very distinctly. "They don't say that t' Bowsprit Head, zur." "Well I say it!" "I'll tell un so!" she exclaimed, joyfully. "I'll tell un you said so, zur, when I gets back t' Bowsprit Head.

By my desk now is hanging a photograph we have prized as one of our great treasures. Below it is written: "Mrs. and Mr. Parker, zur freundlichen Erinnerrung Lujio Brentano." Professor Bonn, another of Carl's professors at the University, and his wife, were kindness itself to us.

One of the pupils, Count zur Lippe, whose name was Hermann, was called "Arminius," in memory of the conqueror of Varus. But these were external things. On the other hand, how vividly, during the history lesson, Langethal, the old warrior of 1813, described the course of the conflict for liberty!

We used our field-dressings and tried to make the poor soul comfortable and Capt'n 'e sent a volunteer back for stretcher-bearers." "And what about the Germans?" I asked. "Ah, I be coming to that, zur.

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