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His keenly set ears distinguished just then an even tramp among the abrupt sounds without, the feet of two or three men carrying weight. "He's here, Zur," said Dan, who held the feet, tenderly enough. "Aisy now, b'ys. It's not bar'ls ye're liftin'." They laid him down. "Fur up th' ridge he was: not many blue-coats furder an. That's true," in a loud, hearty tone.

HisBeiträge zur Kritik der Darwinischen Lehre,” which appeared first as papers in theBiologisches Centralblatt,” did not see the light in book form until 1898. The doctrine of selection was regarded as so unassailable that no publisher would take the risk of the book. Its appearance is a sure indication of the general modification of opinions that had taken place in the interval.

Mention has already been made of the account of Robert Springer, which is probably the last published essay on the subject. It is entitledIst Goethe ein Plagiarius Lorenz Sternes?” and is found in the volumeEssays zur Kritik und Philosophie und zur Goethe-Litteratur.” Springer cites at some length the liberal opinions of Molière, La Bruyère, Wieland, Heine and others concerning the literary appropriation of another’s thought. He then proceeds to quote Goethe’s equally generous views on the subject, and adds the uncritical fling that if Goethe robbed Sterne, it was an honor to Sterne, a

Never heard nothing like it in all my barn days. It is the zame, vor all the world, as you do hear they viddler chaps that plays by themselves in the Albert Hall up to London. Depend upon it, zur, there ain't no harm in HIM. A vullow as can play on the viddle like thik there, why, he couldn't do no hurt, not to child nor chicken." Guy turned away from the door, fretting and fuming inwardly.

I screwed my head round, and looked along the yards above us. Yet, still I could see nothing; nothing except shadows and patches of light. Down on deck, I caught the Second Mate's voice. "Have you got him?" he was shouting. "Not yet, Zur," sung out the lowest man on the lee side. "We sees 'im, Sir," added Quoin. "I don't!" I said. "There 'e is agen," he said.

'Twas ever a mystery to him. That there should come new days that the deeds of yesterday should be forgot in the shadows of yesterday that as the dawn new hope should come unfailing, clean, benignant. "A new day!" he repeated, turning his mild old face from the placid sea, a wondering, untroubled question in his eyes. "Ay, zur a new day."

"Wind blowing due south, strong and fresh," gasped Jimmie, when, at last, we sat down. "He'll be down in a hurry, with they swift deer. My! but he'll just whizz in this gale!" "But 'tis sad 'tis too late t' get word to un," said Martha, the smile gone from her face. "Sad, is it?" cried the doctor. "Sad! What's the word you want to send?" "'Tis something for Sammy, zur."

"I'm sorry I done what I did, zur," I muttered, contritely. "But I'm wonderful glad the man's dead." "For shame!" "I'm glad!" He left me in a huff. "An' I'll be glad," I shouted after him, at the top of my voice, "if I got t' go 't hell for it!" 'Twas my nature.

They were not an intellectual people: they were soldiers and rulers. LITERATURE Works mentioned on pp 16, 42; Encycl. Brit., Art. Persia; Vaux, Persia from the Monuments ; Noeldeke, Aufsdtze zur persischen Geschichte ; Justi, Geschichte trans ; Markham, General Sketch of the History of Persia . In Eastern Asia the Chinese nation was built up, the principal achievement of the Mongolian race.

The examples of comparative vocabularies which follow are taken from Kuhn's "Beiträge zur Sprachenkunde Hinterindiens," Sir George Scott's "Upper Burma Gazetteer," and Sir George Campbell's lists.