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Wyllard's strong points merely heighten Gregory's virtues, I've nothing more to say. Any way, I'll reserve my homage until I've seen Gregory. Perfection among men is scarce nowadays." She turned away, and left Agatha thoughtful. In the meanwhile, Mrs. Hastings came upon Wyllard alone in the music-room. "You look quite serious," she remarked.

Harry Wyllard's here, and he seems quite anxious to see you, though I don't know what he wants," she said. She flashed a searching glance at the girl, whose face, however, remained expressionless. It was, at least, not often that Agatha's composure broke down. "Anyway," she added, "you had better go in. Allen has been arguing with him the last half-hour, and can't get any sense into him.

"Get out as quietly as you can," he said, as he slipped by Wyllard, who crept after him to the entrance. When he reached it Wyllard's voice rang out with a startling vehemence. "Stop right now," he cried, and after a pause, "Nobody's going to hurt you. Walk right ahead."

Still, she was just a little uneasy in mind, for she fancied that she had seen a sudden sign of feeling in Wyllard's face when he had held her for a moment on the ledge of the wagon. She glanced at him and was reassured. He was looking straight before him with unwavering eyes, and his face was set and quiet. Neither of them spoke until the team moved on. Then he turned to her.

He had to face it in another moment. "How's she heading?" "A little south of east." Wyllard's face hardened. It was still blowing moderately fresh, and by the heave of the vessel and the wash of water outside he could guess how fast she was travelling. Except for the latter sound, however, there was for a moment or two an almost oppressive silence in the little cabin. Then Wyllard spoke again.

Their troubles were over, and, what was more, Wyllard, who pledged the rest to secrecy, fancied that what had become of the schooner would remain a mystery. Harvest had commenced at the Range, and the clashing binders were moving through the grain when Hawtrey sat one afternoon in Wyllard's room.

Anyway, if you gave me a bond on as much of that grain as would wipe out the loan at the present figure, it would only mean that you would have Wyllard's trustees for creditors instead of me, and it's probable that they wouldn't be as hard upon you as I'm compelled to be. As things stand, you have got to square up or I throw your place on the market."

With an expressionless face he sat down among the stones, and Charly decided that it was Wyllard's part to pick the trail. "You could beat me every time at trailing or shooting when we went ashore on the American side, and I'm not sorry to let it go at that now," he said. Wyllard smiled grimly. "And I've carried this rifle a week on top of my other load.

The Selache swung around, and he gasped with the effort to control her as she drove away furiously into the thickening snow. She was carrying far too much canvas, but they could not heave her to and take it off her now. The boat must be picked up first, and the veins rose swollen to Wyllard's forehead as he struggled with the wheel.

The speech had a far stronger effect than he could have expected, for Agatha remembered Wyllard's description of what the prairie farmer had to face. Those four years of determined effort and patient endurance, as she pictured them, counted heavily against her in the man's favor.