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Updated: August 17, 2024

Some employ a burden or refrain. Blow, northern wind, Blow thou me my sweeting, Blow, northern wind, blow, blow, blow! Others are touched with a light melancholy at the coming of winter. Winter wakeneth all my care Now these leavës waxeth bare, Oft I sigh and mournë sare When it cometh in my thought Of this worldes joy, how it goeth all to nought.

As with Thomas of Ercildoune, whom the Queen of Faëry carried away into Eildon Hill, the short period of his absence seemed seven years long. An old English song came into his head: Winter wakeneth all my care, Now these leaves waxeth bare: Oft in cometh into my thought, Of this worldes joy how it goeth all to naught.

And therefore wee are to understande that Phillippe rather governeth in the West Indies by opinion, then by mighte; ffor the small manred of Spaine, of itself being alwayes at the best slenderly peopled, was never able to rule so many regions, or to kepe in subjection such worldes of people as be there, were it not for the error of the Indian people, that thincke he is that he is not, and that doe ymagine that Phillippe hath a thousande Spaniardes for every single naturall subjecte that he hath there.

Where is Paris and Heléyne That weren so bright and fair of blee Amadas, Tristan, and Idéyne Yseudë and allë the, Hector with his sharpë main, And Cæsar rich in worldës fee? They beth ygliden out of the reign As the shaft is of the clee. The debate is conducted with much animation and a spirited use of proverbial wisdom.

I, now I faint; mine eies begin to hunt For that they have lost for ever, this worldes beutie O oh, ô oh! my long sleepe now has ceizd me. Enter Boy. Boy. I heard him groane and cry; I heard him fall sure. O, there he lyes in his owne blood! ô father, O my deare father, dead and bequeathd no blessing! Why did I goe to bed, why was I heavy? O, I will never sleep againe. The house there!

I warrant ile fitt ye. I pray forgive me, Sir. Bar. Most hartely, And heer's my hand. I love thee, too: thy physick Will quickly purge me from the worldes abuses. When I speak lowdest, strike. Exec. I shall observe ye. Bar.

The said captaine met with some prises, and in company of two English shippes tooke a Caruell of Aduiso, verie richly laden comming out of India, and hauing more men then the English, shared halfe of the goods with them, and so came home this present month of Octob. The Worldes Hydrographical Discription.

* Thorow earth and waters deepe, The pen by skill doth passe: And featly nyps the worldes abuse, And shoes us in a glasse, The vertu and the vice Of every wight alyve; The honey comb that bee doth make Is not so sweet in hyve, As are the golden leves That drops from poet's head! Which doth surmount our common talke As farre as dross doth lead. Churchyard.

And so much the rather, because to the great content of all her maiesties most louing subiectes; it hath pleased her highnes in her stately regard of gouernment, to make choise of your honours as speciall members in the regall disposition of the mightinesse of her imperiall command: Emboldeneth me among the rest to humble myself at your honorable feete, in presenting vnto the fauour of your excellent iudgementes this short treatise of the Worldes Hydrographicall bands.

You see how much our Spanish soldiers love you To give this brave attendance; though your Nation Fought us & came to hunt us to our deathes. Pike. My Lords, this, which in shew is brave attendance And love to me, is the worldes posture right, Where one man's falling downe setts up another.

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