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"Here," said Lady Arthur, raising her glass to her lips "here is to the memory of the Romans, on whose dust we are resting." "Amen!" said Mr. Eildon; "but I am afraid you don't find their dust a very soft resting-place: they were always a hard people, the Romans." "They were a people I admire," said Lady Arthur.

He would have laughed at such an idea. Many people would have said that he was laughing on the wrong side of his mouth: the worldly never can understand the unworldly. Mr. Eildon gave Miss Garscube credit for being at least as unworldly as himself: he believed thoroughly in her genuineness, her fresh, unspotted nature; and, the wish being very strong, he believed that she had a kindness for him.

"She has not made me her confidante," that lady answered, "but my own opinion is that she does care a good deal for Mr. Eildon." "Do you really think so?" exclaimed Lady Arthur. "She said she did not at the time, and I thought then, and think still, that it would not signify much to George whom he married; and you know he would be so much the better for money.

For myself, I feel like the Eildon Hills quite firm, though a little cloudy. "I do not dislike the path which lies before me. I have seen all that society can show, and enjoyed all that wealth can give me, and I am satisfied much is vanity, if not vexation of spirit. What can I say more, except that I will write to you the instant I know what is to be done." Life of Bonaparte.

But I have played Abou Hassan long enough; and if the Caliph came I would turn him back again. See Professor Brown's Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind, vol i. p. 244, and Martin Scriblerns, cap. xii., Pope, vol. iv. p. 54, Edin. 1776. This plantation now covers the remains of an old Roman road from the Great Camp on the Eildon Hills to the ford below Scott's house.

After they had spoken in the most quiet and friendly way for a little she said, "And how is your cousin, Lord Eildon?" "Nearly well: his constitution seems at last fairly to have taken a turn in the right direction. The doctors say that not only is he likely to live as long as any of us, but that the probability is he will be a robust man yet." "Oh, I am glad of it I am heartily glad of it!"

"Not even if they don't care for them?" asked Alice, "No: whatever you have it is your duty to care for and make the best of." "Then, what am I to say to Mr. Eildon?" "Tell him it is absurd; and whatever you say, put it strongly, that there may be no more of it. Why, he must know that you would be beggars." Acting up to her instructions, Alice wrote thus to Mr.

The privileges and possessions of the abbey were very extensive,.and it was endowed by its founder, David, with the lands of Melrose, Eildon, &c., &c., right of fishery on the Tweed, &c.; and succeeding monarchs increased its property. Sixty of the monks, it is said, renounced popery at the reformation.

With accustomed eccentricity, Lady Arthur entirely ignored this. As for bringing her "out," as the phrase is, she had no intention of it, considering that one of the follies of life: Lady Arthur was always a law to herself. Lady Arthur thought George Eildon a good-natured, rattling lad, with very little head.

Melrose, the Eildon Hills, the haunt of Thomas of Ercildoune, Jedburgh, Yetholm, the Cowdenknowes, the Yarrow, and Ettrick, all lie on different sides within a circle of twenty miles, and most of them much nearer. Smailholme Tower, the scene of some of Scott's youthful days, and of his ballad of "The Eve of St. John," is also one of these.