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And although I am quite old enough to be your father, I would really much rather you had come to see me," he remarked pleasantly. "If I had known you before, I undoubtedly would have done so," the girl smilingly returned. "Times have changed since I was a youngster," Mr. Wintermuth went on.

He probably offered them a little better commission arrangement and a bigger business and they fell for it." "Very likely that is so," agreed Mr. Wintermuth. "The only question now is: what can we do?" Smith continued. "Schroeder has been dead six years. And I don't know the present managing director at all; I've never even seen this man that signed the letter."

James Wintermuth, one of my oldest and closest friends and the head of the Guardian Fire Insurance Company of New York. And some morning, if you find time hanging heavy on your hands, you can go down to William Street. And if you don't arrive before ten o'clock, I think Mr. Wintermuth will be pleased to show you something real and something which has not a purple shadow in its possession."

Wintermuth, "the office of Vice-president has been declared vacant, and I will request your consideration of the filling of the vacancy. As you know, it has always been the policy of the Guardian to fill all vacancies, official and otherwise, by the promotion of its own men. It is my own belief that this is the only satisfactory and in fact the only honorable system. But Mr.

This impassive young man, who seemed quite different from any one she had met in her Boston set, was a little out of her calculations. She knew it was unreasonable to expect Mr. Wintermuth himself to act as cicerone, but just the same she was not entirely certain that she did not resent being so definitely turned over to this youthfully unexpected substitute. Probably Mr.

Wagstaff, who supervised the Southern and a part of the Western field, was a good enough machine man, capable in a routine way and within his limitations, but helpless outside them; he had no initiative, wholly lacked dash and imagination, and it was out of the question that he be given charge of the general underwriting of the company, even under such a chief as Mr. Wintermuth.

Wintermuth lived in ignorance until the results began to show on the surface which was not a far day. From William Street, however, the busy and irreverent Street, soon came the slings and arrows which pierced even Mr. Gunterson's almost impregnable self-esteem. Only a few days after his return he overheard a conversation between Mr.

Osgood, to ask his aid in locating that target. Mr. Osgood, who had hoped that Mr. Wintermuth himself would come, felt a tremor of premonitory dismay at the sight of this deputy; and his subsequent talk with Mr. Gunterson did nothing to allay his apprehension. In fact, it was his covert reflection that if Hancher was right, it was all over; the man whom Wintermuth sent was of no assistance.

I told him his resignation was accepted as of nine-forty-five this morning. And I told him to pack up his stuff and get out of here and never show himself in the Guardian office again." In the course of his extended career Mr. Wintermuth had been called upon to face many serious and unexpected crises.

And there ain't been any new building in Schuyler of any account for two years back but Dodge's feed mill and the new Union School. You've got a line on both of them." At this point their conversation was interrupted because of the departure of the persistent gentleman, who had been closeted with Mr. Wintermuth.