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In this way came sea lavender in full bloom, crimson monkey plant from the London window-box, and cuttings of mesembryanthemum. They are all alive and thriving! The bottle gourd and the annuals have had their day, and it is over; but in the most unexpected places there still rise, like ghosts, certain plants which completely puzzle me. They have not blossomed, but they grow on in spite of frost.

Blessed be the window-box! Many persons, however, fail to attain success in the cultivation of plants in boxes at the window-sill, and their failures have given rise to the impression in the minds of those who have watched their undertaking, that success with them is very problematical.

Judith doesn't like cut flowers at all, any kind. She likes them alive, on plants." "She would!" Arnold was rapt in his habitual certainty that every peculiarity of Judith's was another reason for prostrate adoration. "I'll send her a window-box for every window in the hospital." His admiration overflowed to Judith's sister. He patted her on the shoulder. "You're all right too, Sylvia.

This is the daffodil garden 3 ft. 8 ins. by 9 ins. The vulgar speak of it as a window-box; that is how one knows that they are vulgar. The maid has her instructions; we are not at home when next they call. Sometimes I sit on the stairs and count the daffodils in my garden.

She'd wilt like a rose in a window-box." "I'd take her into fairy-land," said Urquhart. "She should walk in the dawn. She wouldn't feel her feet." "She would if they were damp," said Vera, who could be as direct as you please. "If you think she's a wood nymph in a cage, you're very much mistaken. She's very domestic." "I know," said the infatuate, "that I touched her." Vera tossed her head.

"Call me if I'm needed," he added, nodding to his assistant. Grant did not hesitate an instant when the postmaster reached the "back parlor" through another door. The open window, draped in clematis, gave a delightful glimpse of The Hollies. A window-box of mignonette filled the air with its delicate perfume.

The idea prevails to a considerable extent that one must make use of plants specially adapted to window-box culture. Now the fact is almost any kind of plant can be grown in these boxes, there being no "special adaption" to this purpose, except as to profusion of bloom and habit of growth.

Now and then the tip of his tail curled and uncurled with an indescribable effect of sensuousness. The green things in the window-box had grown luxuriantly, and now and then trailing vines tossed up past the window in the infrequent puffs of wind. The afternoon was very warm. The temperature had risen rapidly since noon.

Get a window-box and a hammock, and maybe Willis Marsh will run in and spend his evenings with you." "Don't josh!" insisted Clyde, seriously. "I want to go " "Me josh?" Fraser's face was like wood. "I'll think it over," Emerson said, guardedly. Without warning, the adventurer burst into shrill laughter. "Are you laughing at me?" angrily demanded the city youth.

In the meanwhile, Sir John took his time to consider, and discovered that he had never heard of a person named Winterfield. Having acknowledged his ignorance, in his own eloquent language, he drifted away to the window-box in the next room, and gravely contemplated Mrs. Eyrecourt, with her nose buried in flowers. The doctor turned to me.