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By this time some mighty railway authority had come upon the scene and made himself cognisant of the facts of the row, a stern official who seemed to carry the weight of many engines on his brow; one at the very sight of whom smokers would drop their cigars, and porters close their fists against sixpences; a great man with an erect chin, a quick step, and a well-brushed hat powerful with an elaborately upturned brim.

I have been thinking a club dining here once a month would be a very pleasant thing." "Certainly, sir; a club of respectable gentlemen." "True, true," said Glossin, "I mean landed proprietors and gentlemen of weight in the county; and I should like to set such a thing a-going." The short dry cough with which Mrs.

It was too small and too heavy, but I wore it for the glory. Hammered gold it was five pounds weight, like a hoop of a barrel. "'Peachey, says Dravot, 'we don't want to fight no more.

If individual disuse diminished the weight of the duck's wing-bones by 9 per cent. there would be nothing left to account for. I suspect that investigation would reveal anomalies inconsistent with the theory of use-inheritance.

I had begun un coeur simple solely on account of her, only to please her. She died while I was in the midst of this work. Thus it is with our dreams. I still continue not to find diversion in existence. In order to forget the weight of it, I work as frantically as possible. What sustains me is the indignation that the Imbecility of the Bourgeois affords me!

Mix the custard with the gooseberries, pass it through the sieve once more and serve it in a crystal bowl. Make some Genoese cake mixture as you would for a light cake, and pour it into greased molds like cups. You can take the weight of one egg in dried flour, butter, and rather less of sugar.

The reasons which make attempts at violent revolution seem to most of us both improbable and undesirable in this country carry no weight with him, and seem to him mere bourgeois prejudices. When I suggested that whatever is possible in England can be achieved without bloodshed, he waved aside the suggestion as fantastic.

It beat down upon him with the weight of heavy hands, it slushed up into his face from pools in the trail and drove the breath from him when he attempted to open his jaws. So he ran close so close that at times Nada felt the touch of his body against her.

I hands it to him. `Why, says he, `'tain't Eben's bag after all. `Not his bag! cries I, in a fright. `Nothing of the sort, says he; `I knows his bag quite well. Besides, just feel the weight of it; there's no tools in this bag. `Well, it did strike me, says I, `as it were very light. What's to be done now? They'll be after me for stealing a bag. I wonder what's in it?

He inspires the whole household with the fire of his own genius, and all those about him are almost as interested as he. At home, in the house, always wearing his eternal felt hat, and absorbed in meditation, he speaks little, holding that every word should have its object, and only employing a term when he has tested its weight and meaning.