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The stronger it blew and the more it walloped the cloak's folds, the tighter and more determinedly the traveler held on to it, as he plodded wearily over the hillside.

Thus encouraged, and laughing to himself, Henry put on another spurt, and while Dave was still four yards from the big rock came up alongside as before. "Now ye have it!" roared Barringford. "Keep the pace, both on ye! The feller to lose gits walloped, an' the winner gits the King's Cross an' a purse of a thousand pounds! Tech the rock fair an' squar', or I'll call the race off!"

"He was de-termined, though, an' th' first man that made a face at him he walloped in th' jaw; an' he'd been on th' canal no more thin a month before he licked ivry man in th' gang but th' section boss, who'd been a Dublin jackeen, an' weighed sixteen stone an' was great with a thrip an' a punch. Wan day they had some wurruds, whin me bold Dublin man sails into Flannagan.

William, one palm outspread, the other falling on it in rhythm to the words, his eyes sparkling, asserted "Honest, judge, I walloped him for fair. When we got outside he starts all over again, so I herds him into a lane and we had it out. Gee!" reflectively, "he was tough, but I did him up all right." His lordship waved a hand deprecatingly. "Enough, enough, boy," he said, solemnly.

When he had relieved himself without, enlightening Mr. Dootleby, Dick spoke again. "She ain't nobody's darter, ole gent, but he sez she's his gurl. She been keepin' comp'ny wid young Swiggsy, an' she wont promise not ter. Dat's de whole biznuss. De harder he walloped, de more she wouldn't promise." Mr. Dootleby felt in his arms the strength of a whole army corps.

"Say, Matt," he queried plaintively, "are you still mad over that walloping I gave you?" "Well-l, no. I think I've recovered. And I'm not willing to admit I was walloped. The best you got out of our little mix-up with the Tillicum was a lucky draw." "I'm still out a lot of money," Cappy admitted.

When the storm was over, the gunners would move their treasure to another hiding-place; which would mean a good deal of work, on account of its size. It is the inability of gun to see gun, and even when seen to knock out gun, which has put an end to the so-called artillery duel of pitched- battle days, when cannon walloped cannon to keep cannon from walloping the infantry.

What Lawler said to Jimmy, Ruth did not hear, so low was his voice. But she heard Jimmy's reply, as did some of the children who still lingered outside the door: "You've walloped me, damn you; you've walloped me!"

Captain M'Intyre, a good deal out of countenance at the issue of his exploit, just rose in time to receive the ironical congratulations of his uncle, upon a single combat worthy to be commemorated by Ossian himself, "since," said the Antiquary, "your magnanimous opponent has fled, though not upon eagle's wings, from the foe that was low Egad, she walloped away with all the grace of triumph, and has carried my stick off also, by way of spolia opima."

"Now, captain, if you had seen that big boy, would you not have walloped him?" "Most certainly," said the captain, "but now we must be thinking of more important matters." And as the hot weather set in with more than ordinary vigour, it was very clear that we should not be safe in our caverns, subjected to the earthquakes that generally accompany the heat.