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Then he walloped farther, and fetched his course, and came hurling upon Sir Palomides, and there he struck him a part through the body, that he fell from his horse to the earth. And then this strange knight left them there, and took his way through the forest. With this Sir Palomides and Sir Tristram were on foot, and gat their horses again, and either asked counsel of other, what was best to do.

I've got to raise some money somehow. I hate to ask poor old Applehead " "Pore old Applehead, my granny!" bawled Big Medicine, laughing his big haw-haw. "Pore ole Applehead's sure steppin' high these days. He'd mortgage his ranch and feel like a millionaire, by cripes! His ole Come-Paddy cat jest natcherally walloped the tar outa Shunky Cheestely, and Applehead seen him doin' it.

In an instant, upwards of a hundred mullet, large fine fish, some of them above a foot long, rushed from out the dark clear depths of the quiet pool, and jumped, and walloped, and struggled for the food, although the whole party were standing close by.

Sometimes, in coorse, they spells wrong, like bad schoolboys, and then they've to be walloped an' set right." "Hold your noise, Slagg, an' let your betters speak," returned Stumps. "Well, if they don't exactly do that," said Sam Shipton, "there are people who think they can do things even more difficult.

"Huh!" said Jimmy; "I've knowed him longer than you. An' besides, he walloped me. An' he walloped my paw, too!" Shorty had ridden to town with Lawler; and Shorty rode home with the candidate for governor after the citizens of Willets had shouted themselves hoarse and the prominent men who had come down from the capital had taken the evening train home.

Jim was scar't, but he had to go. After he'd gone down once, Len says to him, 'Drown, now, you damn nigger! and Jim come up and went down twice more. Then Len begun to think Jim was worth a good bit of money, and mebbe he'd be almighty walloped if the truth come out, so he dives in after Jim and gets him shore, and after while he brought him to.

"Can you fix it, Limpy-toes?" asked Jack Rabbit. "Maybe," sighed Limpy-toes, "but it will take all winter. I shall have to haul it home in pieces. Well, I am glad the twinnies aren't killed." "They ought to be walloped," growled Scamper. "It's a shame, Limpy-toes, that's what it is!" It was many weeks before Wink and Wiggle were able to leave their pine-needle beds.

The drummer walloped his drums; a saxophone squawked, and fiddles squealed. He wore a fully developed moustache, an easy smile, clothes offensively knowing; and his hair began to show that scarcity which Julia felt gave him distinction a curious theory, but natural to her age.

"Then I'll run him in. He's some enterprising, if I do say it. He put High-Chin Bob out of business over by the water-hole yesterday." "High Chin! The hell you say!" "That's what I thought when I heard it. High was beating up the hobo, and Lorry claimed him as his prisoner. Jim Waring says the kid walloped High on the head and knocked him stiff." "Whew! Bob will get his hide for that."

Do you reckon I'd let any fella chloroform me with the butt of a .45 and not turn loose? I tell you, if Jack had been a-goin' to get Fade right, you'd 'a' found 'em closter together. And that ain't all. If Jack had wanted to get Fade, you can bet he wouldn't got walloped on the head first. The gun that got Fade weren't packed by a puncher." "Will they be any more shootin'?" queried Sundown.