Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 12, 2024

Villainously dirty walls surround a massive entrance-gate studded with nails and bands of iron, intervolved in artful designs. No bell, no knocker, no door-handle; only an impressive lock.

"Count on me, Henriette; but I still don't see " I began. "Hush! Just watch me," she replied. Whereupon this wonderful creature, taking my white gloves, deliberately smeared their palms and inner sides of the fingers with a milk-hued paste of her own making, composed of talcum powder and liquid honey. Nothing more innocent-appearing yet more villainously sticky have I ever before encountered.

The stains of time are on them; some have lost a nose or an ear; and one has parted with a still more important member his head, an accident that might profitably have befallen his neighbor, whose curly locks and villainously low forehead proclaim him a Roman emperor. Cut in the face of the rock is a walled and winding way down to the water.

And Andy says we've been here two weeks." "Yes and a little more." "My holiday half gone!" His mood suddenly changed from its jocund and boyish manner, and he turned earnestly toward Agatha. "I don't know, dear girl, all that has happened since that night with you on the water. Hand shuts me off most villainously. But I know it's Heaven being here, with Aleck and every one so good to me, and you!

Most of the Spaniards and Portuguese who reside in those parts are banished men or fugitives, who have committed heinous crimes; and their life and conversation is conformable to their conditions, as they are the basest and most villainously behaved persons of their nation that are to be met with in any part of the world.

And this he pleaded at his tryal, but was answered by Jeffreys "that he above all other men deserved to be hanged, and that for his treachery to Monmouth as well as his treason to the King." And though no other of our officers acted so villainously, yet they were useless and unserviceable, as never once attempting to charge, nor so much as keeping their men in a body.

When Harry began to dress himself in his out-of-door morning costume: he was very hard indeed to please, and particularly severe and snappish about his toilet: he tried, and cursed, pantaloons of many different stripes, checks, and colors: all the boots were villainously varnished, the shirts too "loud" in pattern.

At this latter prospect I told myself that I ought to feel very satisfied, and rather to my surprise found myself feeling not very dissatisfied; for most unquestionably the duchess had treated me villainously and had entirely failed to appreciate me. My face still went hot to think of the glance she had given Marie Delhasse's maladroit ambassador.

For him the coursing meetings cannot come too often; the swarming gudgeons flock to his net; he arranges the odds almost as he chooses with the help of his friends; and simpletons who do not know a greyhound from a deerhound bet wildly not on dogs, but on names. The "sport" has all the uncertainty of roulette, and it is villainously cruel into the bargain.

He put down a number of articles on his cloth which was villainously tattered and greasy an unripe plantain, a handful of rice, of parched peas, a thigh bone, two wooden cups, some balls, &c., &c.; all of which he kept constantly lifting and moving about, keeping up the passes and muttering all the time.

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