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Updated: August 18, 2024

I was moochin' around the bondroom when I happens to glance over the transfer book and notices that a big block of our debenture 6's are listed as goin' to the Federated Tractions. And the name of the party who's about to swap the 6's for Tractions preferred is a familiar one. It's Aunty's. Uh-huh Vee's!

It's a cute little idea all right and ought to get us in strong with a whole lot of people, but if he don't quit I know of one party whose reputation as a gentleman farmer is going to be wrecked beyond repair. And that's me. I don't know whether it was Vee's auntie that started me out reckless on this food producin' career, or old Leon Battou, or Mr. G. Basil Pyne.

Maybe it was a nervy thing, shuntin' the Count off like that, and Marjorie seems sort of disappointed and dazed to find he ain't comin' with us, but by the twinkle in Miss Vee's eyes I guessed I hadn't overplayed my part.

Course, Vee's on her way to foreign parts now, and there's no tellin' when she's comin' back. Besides, there ain't anything in it, anyway. But somehow that picture in the silver frame seems to help some. Nobody had to point him out to me. I hadn't been holdin' down the chair behind the brass gate more'n two days before I knew who was the living joke on the Corrugated Trust Company's force.

He rightened it yet further with sixpence, and left that band loudly at feud over the spoil. "Oh, Vee! Vee the strategist," he chuckled. "We'll pull Vee's leg to-night." Our freckled friend of the barriers doubled up behind us. "So you know that my battalion is charging down the ground," Bayley demanded. "Not for certain, Sir, but we're preparin' for the worst," he answered with a cheerful grin.

Pretty soon others begun buttin' in, and by eight-thirty there was a roomful, includin' Vee's Aunty, who watches me as severe as if I was a New Haven director. Joey Billings floats in too. And I got to admit that in an evenin' gown she ain't such a worse looker.

Say, that's some unique order to shoot at a private sec., ain't it? And did I make good? Listen. Before nine o'clock that night I had the thing all plotted out and half a dozen people gettin' busy. Course, it's mostly Vee's program. She claps her hands when she hears the tale. "Why, Torchy!" says she. "Isn't that just splendid! Certainly we can do it."

That's what I'm goin' to soak my share into." "Your share?" says he. "But I didn't understand that you " "Vee and I helped locate the treasure mound," I explains, "and got counted in just in time. And say, the best is yet to come. It's goin' to be Vee and me for keeps pretty soon." "Wha-a-at!" says he. "You've won over Auntie?" "Right and regular," says I. "Vee's wearin' the ring." Say, Mr.

Have you take me for an evening call on the Garveys." "Gosh!" says I. "You're some little Polar explorer, ain't you?" It was no idle threat of Vee's. A few nights later we got under way right after dinner and drove over there. I expect we were about the first outsiders to push the bell button since they moved in. But we'd no sooner rung than Vee begins to hedge.

Course, he'll be joshed a lot about it, but that'll mean he'll either have to be a good scrapper or develop an easy-grin disposition, so he wins both ways." The only really disappointed member of the fam'ly is Vee's Auntie. Last time she was out here she notices the change in 'Ikky-boy's curls and sighs over it.

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