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Updated: August 22, 2024

'Apart, ah keep apart, O ye unsanctified! cries the soothsayer; 'retire from all the grove; and thou, stride on and unsheath thy steel; now is need of courage, O Aeneas, now of strong resolve. So much she spoke, and plunged madly into the cavern's opening; he with unflinching steps keeps pace with his advancing guide.

Englishmen have their angry passions as well as Scots; and should this man's action remain unpunished, you may unsheath, under various pretences, a thousand daggers betwixt the Land's-End and the Orkneys." The venerable Judge thus ended what, to judge by his apparent emotion, and by the tears which filled his eyes, was really a painful task.

It was indeed a splendid deed of hers to unsheath the sword, to plunge it into her breast, then to draw it out and offer it to her husband, with the words which will live for ever and seem to have been more than mortal, "Paetus, it does not hurt."

"You beeldar!" cried he, "why do you not unsheath your sword?" "My sword," replied Yussuf, "is of that temper that it must not too long glance in the eyes of the Commander of the Faithful." The caliph appeared satisfied, and turning to the first beeldar, commanded him to strike. In a moment, the head of the robber was lying on the ground.

For where these creatures were should be more besides Grey Dick and himself and the Man of many names. He looked toward Murgh to see that he had bent himself and with his gloved hand was drawing lines upon the snow. Those lines when they were done enclosed the shape of a grave! "Archer," said Murgh, "unsheath your axe and dig."

Before he could unsheath it, Mr Vernon had thrown himself upon him, and wrenched it from his grasp, while, I following, we without much difficulty secured him; for, though graceful and active in appearance, he had not much muscular power. He did not call out. Perhaps he disdained to do so.

The spirit of ambition and aggression animated every court; and each one was ready, in defiance of treaties and in defiance of the misery of the world, again to unsheath the sword as soon as any opportunity should offer for the increase of territory or power. From 1727 to 1735. Cardinal Fleury. The Emperor of Austria Urges the Pragmatic Sanction.

The courage people display may be objectified as a rock; their purpose as a road, their doubts as forks of the road, their difficulties as ruts and rocks, their progress as a fertile valley. If they mobilize their dread-naughts they unsheath a sword. If their army surrenders they are thrown to earth. If they are oppressed they are on the rack or under the harrow.

Were the Almighty to unsheath the sword of his wrath, prophets and patriarchs would draw in their heads; and were he to deign a glimpse of his benevolence, it would reach the wicked along with the good: Were he on the day of judgment to call us to a strict account, even the prophets would have no room for excuse.

He drew his right arm from beneath the cover of the bedclothes, and extending it towards the Prince, wrapped as it was in dressings, "Were these undone and removed," he said, "your Highness would see that a bloody stump is all that remains of a hand ever ready to unsheath the sword at your Grace's slightest bidding." Rothsay started back in horror. "This," he said, "must be avenged!"

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