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Terry sprang up and flew to where a small palm was standing, its garden-pot enclosed in one made of Benares brass. She quickly lifted the palm out of the brass pot, carried the pot across the floor, and turned it downwards, like an extinguisher, on Turly's head. It just took his head in, coming down a little over his eyes. "Now you are perfect!" cried Terry, clapping her hands.

Indeed, all the troubles of the morning had been by this time removed so far away that it seemed as if they must have happened a year ago. Lally had sent her word that Jocko's knees were nearly all right, and that he suffered no pain from them. Turly's head was in its usual place, and the pot, being brass, was not even broken.

"He's not to be seen; but Turly's with her safe enough, houldin' on for his bare life, one clutch on the rail of the seat, and the other on the well o' the car. Goodness knows how much longer he could stick to it. But she's bringin' all up to the hall-door splendid, an' I declare you would think the ould horse was laughin' at the joke!"

Will the surgeon have to cut part of his head away? That is what surgeons do; they cut." Just as her thoughts had arrived at this excruciating point, the pot suddenly made a jerk and fell completely over Turly's face, covering his chin. Nurse and Terry shrieked, and Turly uttered some unintelligible sounds from within the pot. "He'll be smothered!" cried Nurse Nancy.

There's no Mary-ness in you, you shocking girl, that couldn't do your little bit of practising without running after helmets." Here another attempt was made to dislodge Turly's head, while Terry stood wringing her hands. "I say, Nurse," said Turly, "don't you go abusing Terry for nothing.

At last, however, the children were confronted with a difficulty. The helmet had to come off Turly's head, and it wouldn't. "Oh, Turly, it must come off!" said Terry. "Says it won't," said Turly. "Got wedged. Wish it was a little bit more up, that a fellow could see better. Don't bother, Terry, perhaps it'll change its mind. Won't it be a joke to see Nurse's face?"

"Chimbley's on fire!" somebody else shouted, having just caught the word chimney, and everybody began to run back to the house. "No, you idiots!" roared Lally; "but, by my sowl, if it isn't Turly's head that's perked up on the chimbley as if it was Cromwell's head on Newgate!" Screams followed. Nurse Nancy, who was of the party, dropped on the road, and Walsh had to stop and hold her.