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Updated: August 29, 2024

I am enclosing on a separate sheet the full authoritative code, widely adopted by contemporary Orientalists throughout the world, which will serve as a basis for the transliteration of Bahá’í terms and Oriental names. Remembering you all in my hours of visit and prayer at the Three Holy Shrines, and wishing you success from all my heart, I am your brother and fellow-worker, SHOGHI.

Our manifold points of contact with the East, the necessity that has thus arisen of representing oriental words to the western world by means of an alphabet not its own, with the manifold discussions on the fittest equivalents, all this has brought with it the need of a word which should describe the process, and 'transliteration' is the result. Dict.

When in 1830 this auxiliary which had at first sought to keep all missionaries out of its executive in order to conciliate men like Sydney Smith's brother, the Advocate-General of Bengal refused to use the translations of Carey and Yates, and inclined to an earlier version of Ellerton, because of the translation or transliteration of the Greek words for "baptism," these two scholars acted thus, as described by the Bible Society's annalist they, "with a liberality which does them honour, permitted the use of their respective versions of the Bengali Scriptures, with such alterations as were deemed needful in the disputed word for 'baptism, they being considered in no way parties to such alterations."

The incantations accordingly lead us to the next division in the religious literature of the Babylonians, the prayers and hymns. There are some preserved solely in the ideographic style, and others of which we have only the phonetic transliteration. Die Propheten in ihrer ursprünglichen Form, pp. 1, 6.

On the contrary, it is plain that they are a very incomplete list, like that which Herodotus gives of the kings of Egypt, or that which the later Romans possessed of their early monarchs. The monuments themselves present indications of several other names of kings, belonging evidently to the same series, which are too obscure or too illegible for transliteration.

Again, in the case of another series, the "Shurpu," in part Babylonian, in part bilingual, since the Babylonian section shows the metrical form, it is likely that the ideographic style represents a transliteration of a phonetic, or pure Babylonian, original. The chief value of the incantation texts lies, naturally, in the insight they afford into the popular beliefs.

It was not necessary for a transliteration to be accurate, whereas, in the case of a translation, the greatest care would naturally be taken to preserve the original sacred text with all nicety and accuracy, since upon accuracy and nicety the whole efficacy of the formulas rested.

In regard to the transliteration of Oriental names and words into German he wishes me to inform you that the system of transliteration actually in use in the Bahá’í world has been adopted and approved with only slight changes by a general Orientalist Congress representative of world’s greatest orientalists including some outstanding German authorities in various branches of Oriental history and literature.

With few exceptions the psalms appear in the double style characteristic of so large a section of the religious literature of the Babylonians, the 'ideographic' composition being accompanied by a phonetic transliteration. This double style is not a feature that need be taken into account in determining the age of this class of compositions.

For the prayers based on belief in the Divine appointment of marriages, see "Jewish Life in the Middle Ages," ch. x. From personal observation, Dr. The songs were taken down, and the melodies noted, in widely separated districts. Judea, the Hauran, Lebanon, are all represented. Dr. Dalman prints the Arabic text in "Latin" transliteration, and appends German renderings.

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