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The school-going population meanwhile attend their schools, which used to be reached by means of the elevated cars or surface tramways for 2 1/2 cents and much cheaper if they have commuters' tickets. Many schools are near enough to be reached on foot.

Thieves. Old Mexico. Climate. Tramways. The Plaza Mayor. City Streets. The Grand Paseo. Public Statues. Scenes upon the Paseo. The Paseo de la Viga. Out-of-door Concerts. A Mexican Caballero. Lottery Ticket Venders. High Noon. Mexican Soldiers. Musicians. Criminals as Soldiers. The Grand Cathedral. The Ancient Aztec Temple. Magnificent View from the Towers of the Cathedral. Cost of the Edifice.

All the Austrian and German shops, and there were many of them, are, of course, closed for good, making wide spaces of closed shutters in the Avenue de l'Opéra and the rue de la Paix, and the rue Scribe, where so many of the steamship offices are. That, and the lack of omnibuses and tramways and the scarcity of cabs, makes the once brilliant and active quarter look quite unnatural.

Does not your conscience tell you that in doing so I have unwisely deserted those wise old grandmother's tramways of which you spoke just now? It has been pleasant to me to do so. I have liked the feeling of independence with which I have thought that I might indulge in an open friendship with such as you are. And your rank, so different from my own, has doubtless made this more attractive."

At the same time great improvements are now foreshadowed in regard to the modes of working mines by shafts and drives. Some shafts will in future be worked practically as the vertical portions of tramways, having endless wire ropes to convey the trucks direct from the face or the stope to the reduction works, and thus an immense saving will be effected in the costs incidental to mining.

In 1825 the idea of railways for the rapid conveyance of goods and passengers bore fruit in an act for the construction of a line between Liverpool and Manchester. It was not in itself a new idea, for tramways had long been in use, and so far back as 1814 George Stephenson had constructed a locomotive engine for a colliery.

Bilbao, with its five railway stations, its electric tramways, and its population of sixty-six thousand, has become the first and most important shipping outlet of Spain.

By M. HOLROYD SMITH. Last year, when I had the pleasure of reading a paper before you on my new system of electric tramways, I ventured to express the hope that before twelve months had passed, "to be able to report progress," and I am happy to say that notwithstanding the wearisome delay and time lost in fruitless negotiations, and the hundred and one difficulties within and without that have beset me, I am able to appear before you again and tell you of advance.

You could see the black veins coming out on the face of the cliff; and into the cliff penetrated two parallel tunnels. Up and down from these tunnels rattled the trucks on serial tramways to and from the Smelter, weaving in and out of the tunnel mouths like shuttles, run by gravitation pressure.

Gloomy ghosts addicted to melancholy, noting with satisfaction that the streets are as dirty as ever, the old Public Houses still standing, that, despite the tramways those extraordinary new modern inventions the tide of life runs pretty much the same as of old. The ghosts of Mangan and Mathurin have never seen a taxi cab.