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Updated: July 31, 2024

Evidently some trampers who were fond of climbing had worn it through the rough surface to a point where a good view was to be had, and had stopped there, content with the distance they had gone, and not disposed to try the further ascent. And as soon as Bessie reached that point she was able to stop and get her breath. Meanwhile she wondered what had become of Lolla.

At one of his encampments the guard stationed to keep watch round the camp grew weary of their duty, and feeling a little too secure, and too much at home on these prairies, retired to a small grove of willows to amuse themselves with a social game of cards called "old sledge," which is as popular among these trampers of the prairies as whist or ecarte among the polite circles of the cities.

"Trampers o' the road don't wear gentlemen's clothes leastways, I never see one as did." Here his eyes wandered over me again, from my boots upward.

"You're sure you know the trail, Bob?" his mother called as the trampers went down the steps. "Why, Mother dear, what a question! Know the trail? Haven't I climbed that mountain so many times that I could go up it backwards and with my eyes shut?" "I guess that's true, Mother," agreed Mr. Carlton reassuringly. "Good-bye, then," said Bob's mother. "Have a fine day and don't freeze your noses."

I thought it all extremely beautiful, and made up my mind to sleep among the hops that night: imagining some cheerful companionship in the long perspectives of poles, with the graceful leaves twining round them. The trampers were worse than ever that day, and inspired me with a dread that is yet quite fresh in my mind.

There was good food in it, and they might have fared worse. Another day's tramp was thus inaugurated. How it was to end no one in the world knew less than the trampers. Before it was over, a considerable change had passed upon Clare; for a new era was begun in his history, and he started to grow more rapidly.

Here I lay down near a cannon; and, happy in the society of the sentry's footsteps, though he knew no more of my being above him than the boys at Salem House had known of my lying by the wall, slept soundly until morning," Thus early he noticed "the trampers" which infest the old Dover Road, and observed them in their numberless gypsy-like variety; thus early he looked lovingly on Gad's Hill Place, and wished it might be his own, if he ever grew up to be a man.

"What were you doing with the two trampers, Jim?" he asked. "Please, sir," I said, "I wasn't doing anything with them." "Ah," said one of the runners. "These young rogues is that artful, they never do nothing anywhere." "You'll live to be hanged, I know," said the other runner.

"Women as fair and pure as you have come into dens like this, and never gone away. Does it make your delicate breath faint? And you a follower of the meek and lowly Jesus! Look here! and here!" The room was swarming with human life. Women, idle trampers, whiskey-bloated, filthy, lay half-asleep or smoking on the floor, and set up a chorus of whining begging when they entered.

When I looked down at the trampers whom we passed, and saw that well-remembered style of face turned up, I felt as if the tinker's blackened hand were in the bosom of my shirt again.

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