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The Pasha of Egypt had long cast a covetous eye upon Aden, and its occupation by the British took place at the precise period requisite to check the ambitious designs of a man thirsting for conquest, and to allay the fears of the Imaum of Muscat, who, naturally enough, dreaded encroachments upon his territory. Aden had hitherto agreed very well with its European residents.

No answer came forth to the thirsting ear of the blind girl: Arbaces had already proceeded far up the street; she hesitated a moment, and then followed his steps in silence. 'I must secure this girl, said he, musingly, 'lest she give evidence of the philtre; as to the vain Julia, she will not betray herself. WHILE Arbaces had been thus employed, Sorrow and Death were in the house of Ione.

How different this from that thirst after God, even the living God, which animated the Psalmist, or that hungering and thirsting after righteousness which Christ says shall be filled! Buddha found in self, rather than in God, the power to overcome evil.

Even among our own hills of Scotland and Cumberland, though often too barren to be perfectly beautiful, and always too low to be perfectly sublime, it is strange how many deep sources of delight are gathered into the compass of their glens and vales; and how, down to the most secret cluster of their far-away flowers, and the idlest leap of their straying streamlets, the whole heart of Nature seems thirsting to give, and still to give, shedding forth her everlasting beneficence with a profusion so patient, so passionate, that our utmost observance and thankfulness are but, at last, neglects of her nobleness, and apathy to her love.

I had the feeling that in those sunsets there was any length for my soul to go out to that there was infinite room there for the soul's expansion. There was inexhaustible glory for the soul to absorb, and the soul was thirsting for it and could never have enough. Be thou me, most glorious one! Be through my lips to unawakened earth The trumpet of a prophecy."

These it was who after endless formalities, against which even some of themselves were forced in honour to protest, played so base and infamous a part culminating in that so-called "Abjuration," as false as those who plotted for it capped by their own infamous trick to render even that "Abjuration" null and void, that she might be given up into the hands of those who were thirsting for her life!

"What do you want?" came on all sides from the Front team, now thoroughly aroused and thirsting for vengeance. "Mr. Umpire," said the master, "I want to call your attention to a bit of foul play that must not be allowed to go on"; and then he described Jimmie Ben's furious attack upon Hughie. "It was a deliberate trip, as well as a savage swipe at a man's shins when the ball was not near."

In this slow fashion, with long Rip Van Winkle slumbers and occasional faint awakenings, the French Academy faltered on with fitful persistence towards the completion of its famous Dictionary. But, as I have said, it was a period of great enthusiasm about all such summaries of knowledge, and Paris was thirsting for grammars, lexicons, inventories of language and the like.

She fell into his arms, and they both sobbed with joy and ecstasy. Their kisses were those which lips only give when they have lost each other and found each other again at last, when they meet and exhaust themselves in each other's looks, thirsting for tenderness, love and enjoyment.

A splendid prospect seemed opening before him, had he chosen to enter the Church and pursue an ecclesiastical career in the ordinary manner. But while thirsting for theological distinction, he had scruples about his vocation to the holy office.