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"Potz tausend! the man is fou!" shouted Mac. "Come, drink your wine, Ned, and we'll have our coffee. It is quite time, I think, and he used to be a three-bottle fellow," muttered my dear old friend, sotto voce. "'Heu, heu! tempora mutantur, et nos' well, well, well!" Clarian's Picture! What a gush of recollection the words evoke!

"'Potz tausend donner-wetter! said the Emperor, good-humouredly turning round; 'what is that the Chevalier Mandeville is saying? Why, chevalier, you look as fierce as a roused lion. We must take care of you old English fire-eaters. By the way, added he very kindly, 'our Chancellor will send you to-morrow the decoration of the first class of the Golden Bugle. No thanks. You deserve it.

Tausend deyvils, man I do ye think that he could rise out of the earth to shoot another man?" A light here began to break upon Glossin's confusion of ideas. "Did you not say that the younker, as you call him, goes by the name of Brown "Of Brown? yaw-Vanbeest Brown; old Vanbeest Brown, of our Vanbeest and Vanbruggen, gave him his own name he did."

There was no love lost between us, as you say; and the world never knew a more worthless miscreant. I hate him, voyez-vous? I hated him alife; I hate him dead. I hate him man; I hate him ghost: and he know it, and tremble before me. If I see him twenty tausend years hence and why not? I shall hate him still. You remarked how he was dressed?"

Another satirical protest was, as one reads from a contemporary review, “Die Tausend und eine Masche, oder Yoricks wahres Shicksall, ein blaues Mährchen von Herrn Stanhope” (1777,

It's a shame! it's a shame! it is, grandmamma!" and he cried, and wiped his great nose in his yellow pocket-handkerchief. "Look year will you take pounds instead of guineas? She's dead, I tell you! It's no go! Take the pounds one tausend pound! ten nice, neat, crisp hundred-pound notes, and go away vid you, do!"

It's a shame! it's a shame! it is, grandmamma!" and he cried, and wiped his great nose in his yellow pocket handkerchief. "Look year will you take pounds instead of guineas? She's dead, I tell you! It's no go! Take the pounds one tausend pound! ten nice, neat, crisp hundred-pound notes, and go away vid you, do!"