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Updated: August 11, 2024

His breech-clout was of dappled fawn-skin; his long thigh boots of thin deer-hide were open at the hips, leaving exposed the clear whiteness of his flesh; below the knees they were ornamented by a scarlet fringe tipped with the hoofs of fawns and the spurs of the wild turkey; and in his cap he wore the intertwined wings of the hawk and the scarlet tanager.

"What then?" I stood with a tanager in one hand, a lovely manakin in the other, thinking. "They couldn't be crows," I said, "because " "Because what?" "I don't know, uncle." "No, of course you do not, my boy, for crows they really are." "What! birds of paradise with their lovely buff plumes, uncle?"

The tanager sometimes strayed into a strange cage, and then the anxious guard followed to the steps and even within, talking earnestly, and no doubt pointing out the danger, yet if the owner unexpectedly appeared he met him at the threshold and fiercely defended the door against the proprietor himself.

The boyish wood-craft which he had cultivated in order to encourage the same taste in his factory lads came to life in this sudden return to nature, and he redeemed his clumsiness in crossing the swamp by spying a marsh-wren's nest that had escaped Justine, and detecting in a swiftly-flitting olive-brown bird a belated tanager in autumn incognito.

"A friend of mine sent it to me from Oregon," answered the Doctor; "he thought I would like to have it for my collection, because it came from the very region where this kind of Tanager was discovered almost a hundred years ago." "I thought you said it was a Louisiana Tanager," said Rap and Nat, almost in the same breath.

A member of the same guilds as the Scarlet Tanager. "A new family? Soldiers and Quakers? What does that mean?" asked Nat. "I thought my jolly yellow bird with the black cap came next." "His family does come next the Finch family.

"Why is that?" asked Nat. "The reason is this. You remember I told you that young birds usually wear plain feathers like their mothers?" "Oh, yes," said Rap; "so that it is hard to see them until they have sense enough to take care of themselves." "Precisely! Now, Mother Tanager is greenish and yellow, and Father Tanager is scarlet and black.

Fowler, that "the Rose-breasted Grosbeak is found in Essex County, and, though formerly seldom seen, is becoming every year more common. Like the Wood Thrush and Scarlet Tanager, it is retiring in its habits, and is usually found in the most sheltered part of the wood, where, perched about midway on a tree, in fancied concealment, it warbles its soft, clear, and melodious notes."

"She's green, a lovely olive green. When she sits on the nest she's just the color of her surroundings. If she were red like her mate she'd be too easily destroyed." "God's providence," said the preacher. "It is wonderful look, Phares, there he goes!" The scarlet tanager made a streak of vivid color across the sky as he flew off over the corn.

"Ah," thought Phares with a twinge of jealousy, "she wouldn't do that to me. How quickly she dropped her hand a while ago. They are such good friends, she and David. It's wrong to be envious; I must fight against it and yet I want her just as much as David does!" "David," Phœbe begged, "come back! Why, I was just wishing you were here! There's a scarlet tanager see!"

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