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Y si tácita ó expresamente me fuere denegado otra vez, apelo para ante quien y con derecho debo, y pido los apóstolos desta mi apelacion con las instancias é ahincamientos necesarios, y pídolo por testimonio. It will be seen that the account given in the text is an under-statement. X, pp. 81-83. Diego de Gaona states that he knew Luis de Leon in 1567 or 1568.

"At non domus accipiet te læta, neque uxor Optima, nec dulces occurrent oscula nati Præripère, et tacitâ pectus dulcedine tangent." Lucret.

I protest that among law-givers I respect Numa, who declared, that, of all the Camenae, Tacita was most worthy of reverence. Now the Greeks had a Muse of Beginning, and the wonder is, considering how easy it is to talk and how hard to say anything, that they did not hit upon that other and more excellent Muse of Leaving-off.

Chant in the old measure, the song imperishable "dum Capitolium Scandet cum tacita virgine pontifex " aye, and for how many an age when Pontiff and Vestal sleep in the eternal silence. Let the slave of the iron gods chatter what he will; for him flows no Falernian, for him the Muses have no smile, no melody. Ere the sun set, and the darkness fall about us, fill again!

so did Numa invent the story of his amour with a wood-nymph and his secret converse with her, and of his enjoying the society of the Muses. He referred most of his prophetic utterances to the Muses, and taught the Romans to worship one of them especially, whom he called Tacita, which means silent or dumb. This seems to have been done in imitation of Pythagoras, who especially revered silence.

Another nymph, whom Numa commended to the special veneration of the Romans, was named Tacita, or the silent. This was appropriate for one of such quiet and unobtrusive manners as this good king possessed.

In like manner Numa spoke of a certain goddess or mountain nymph that was in love with him, and met him in secret, as before related; and professed that he entertained familiar conversation with the Muses, to whose teaching he ascribed the greatest part of his revelations; and amongst them, above all, he recommended to the veneration of the Romans one in particular, whom he named Tacita, the Silent; which he did perhaps in imitation and honor of the Pythagorean silence.

I protest that among lawgivers I respect Numa, who declared, that, of all the Camenae, Tacita was most worthy of reverence. Now the Greeks had a Muse of Beginning, and the wonder is, considering how easy it is to talk and how hard to say anything, that they did not hit upon that other and more excellent Muse of Leaving-off.

"Præterea neque jam domus accipiet te læta, neque uxor Optima, nec dulces occurrent oscula nati Præripere et tacitâ pectus dulcedinet tangent." There is no event to which women are more indebted for the improved situation they hold among us than the propagation of Christianity.

Errare non modo affirmando et negando, sed etiam sentiendo, et in tacitâ hominum cogitatione contingit.”—HOBBES, Computatio sive Logica, chap. v.