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I remember well one evening, just at leaving-off time, taking my bottle of thick syrup and brush from the tool-house shelf, and slipping down the garden and into the pear-plantation where the choice late fruit was waiting and asking daily to be picked. Mr Solomon was very proud of his pears, and certainly some of them grew to a magnificent size.

I protest that among law-givers I respect Numa, who declared, that, of all the Camenae, Tacita was most worthy of reverence. Now the Greeks had a Muse of Beginning, and the wonder is, considering how easy it is to talk and how hard to say anything, that they did not hit upon that other and more excellent Muse of Leaving-off.

One of these rules provided that everybody was to be weighed upon arrival at the job in the morning and again at leaving-off time: any man found to have increased in weight was to be discharged.

"Gee wug, Polly!" cried I, for all the men were now looking on, being then at the leaving-off time: "Gee wug, Polly, and show what thou be'est made of." With that I plugged my heels into her, and Billy Dadds flung his hat up.

"There," said Morgan, one day, as he gave the soil a final pat with his spade, "that job's done, and now I'm going to have a bit of a rest. Leaving-off time till the sun gets a bit down." "What have you been planting?" I asked. "Seeds, my lad; flower seeds, as I've picked myself. I like to keep raising the useful things, but we may as well have some bright flowers too. Where's the master?"

I protest that among lawgivers I respect Numa, who declared, that, of all the Camenae, Tacita was most worthy of reverence. Now the Greeks had a Muse of Beginning, and the wonder is, considering how easy it is to talk and how hard to say anything, that they did not hit upon that other and more excellent Muse of Leaving-off.

'Gee wug, Polly! cried I, for all the men were now looking on, being then at the leaving-off time: 'Gee wug, Polly, and show what thou be'est made of. With that I plugged my heels into her, and Billy Dadds flung his hat up.