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To this assurance he subjoined a rapid synopsis of the means employed by the Queen-mother to ensure the peace of the kingdom, and the efforts made by the Prince to disturb it; and, finally, he recapitulated the numerous alliances which had taken place between the royal families of France and Spain during several centuries as an explanation of the close friendship which existed between the two countries.

The final settlement of the difficulty was celebrated by a grand banquet, given by Li-wang-chang to Sir Thomas and the other foreign ambassadors, who had been drawn to Chefoo by their interest in the negotiations. The following is a synopsis of the agreement: 1.

There was sufficient ground for such apprehension. Prim, the governor-general, to suppress every attempt at insurrection, issued the proclamation, of which the following is a synopsis: "I, John Prim, Count of Ecus, etc., etc., etc.

'And gave us, if you recollect, afterwards, said Rollo, looking amused, 'the synopsis of her character. 'And now you think I am giving you the synopsis of mine, said Wych Hazel. 'Well, Mr. Rollo, of course your groom will not mind me will you order the saddles changed? or must I walk? 'I shall not order the saddles changed. I am afraid. That is no reason why you should be.

I must confess to my surprise that such an objection could be made by an experienced critic. Clem. Hom. xix. 20. Mark iv. 34. When we compare the synopsis of St. Mark and St. Matthew together we should be inclined to set this down as a very decided instance of quotation from the former. The coincidence of language is very marked. With the third Gospel also there are coincidences.

The book is described as an "attempt to relieve discouraged Christians" in a day of gloominess and perplexity, that they might devote themselves to Christ through life as well as be found in Him in death. Carey made a careful synopsis of it in an exquisitely neat hand on the margin of each page. The worm-eaten copy, which he treasured even in India, is now deposited in Bristol College.

The common matter in the first three Gospels is divided into a triple synopsis and a double synopsis the first of course running through all three Gospels, the second found only in St. Matthew and St. Luke.

For example, there is no benefit in borrowing impasse when there exists already in English its exact equivalent, 'blind-alley', which carries the meaning more effectively even to the small percentage of readers or listeners who are familiar with French. Nor is there any gain in résumé when 'summary' and 'synopsis' and 'abstract' are all available.

Wopsle's great-aunt may be resolved into the following synopsis. The pupils ate apples and put straws down one another's backs, until Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt collected her energies, and made an indiscriminate totter at them with a birch-rod. After receiving the charge with every mark of derision, the pupils formed in line and buzzingly passed a ragged book from hand to hand.

"How much of a lesson, for instance?" said the doctor, taking the book and turning over the leaves. "I had to make a synopsis of the state of Europe from the third century to the tenth synchronising the events and the names." "In writing?" "I might write it if I chose, I often do, but I had to give the synopsis from memory."