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To the verge of the footlights the beset man darted, and like a desperate swimmer plunging from a foundering bark into a stormy sea he leaped far out and projected himself, a living catapult, along the middle aisle. He struck the tall yellow woman as the irresistible force strikes the supposedly immovable object of the scientists' age-old riddle, but on his side was impetus and on hers surprise.

She was advertised as the largest steamer in the world and as the safest; she was called "unsinkable." The ocean thus struck its blow at no mean victim, but at the ship supposedly the queen of all ships. Through the might of the great tragedy, man was taught two lessons. One was against boastfulness.

Between them they wrote a letter, in a disguised hand, of course, and supposedly from a girl to William.

"Did the foreman see the man who gave the order supposedly from Mr. Sheldon?" "He says he had the order by telephone and never saw the copy which he was told would be sent in. Please look over the papers now to see if they are all right." Dick read over one of the magazines, compared it hastily with a dozen others and found that no extraneous matter had been introduced.

Gossip saith that there are quiet hours spent by these two in the seclusion of the bachelor's stately home, when, doubtless, his masculine heart melteth within him, and the bonds of his servitude are tightened. Still, it is a dangerous game for a supposedly reputable girl to play, isn't it? and a little well, let us call it unconventional." Mrs. Lenox shut the magazine and her own teeth.

Half an hour later there arrived his supreme trial of this particular morning. Arithmetic then being the order of business before the house, he was sent alone to the blackboard, supposedly to make lucid the proper reply to a fatal conundrum in decimals, and under the glare and focus of the whole room he breathed heavily and itched everywhere; his brain at once became sheer hash.

She was under the command of her owner, Don Ramon Ferrer, was laden with merchandise, and had on board fifty-three Negroes, forty-nine of whom supposedly belonged to a Spaniard, Don Jose Ruiz, the other four belonging to Don Pedro Montes.

They even mention one oyster, about which I remain dubious, that supposedly contained at least 150 sharks." "150 sharks!" Ned Land yelped. "Did I say sharks?" I exclaimed hastily. "I meant 150 pearls. Sharks wouldn't make sense." "Indeed," Conseil said. "But will master now tell us how one goes about extracting these pearls?"

One can read off from a concrete image what he knows to be true of it or else it is just guessing. "Knowing" in each case involves observation and judgment, and that means verbal images. Students whose power of concrete imagery is low do, on the average, in situations where a concrete image would supposedly help, just as well as students whose power in this field is high.

Von Gobendorff, who had longed for the break of day in order to resume his flight to a supposedly safe refuge in the Karewenda Hills, found himself unable to resist the sleep of utter exhaustion, and as the last faint wreath of pale grey smoke rose from the dying embers he dropped into a deep slumber. He awoke to find the glade bathed in brilliant sunshine.