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Updated: August 12, 2024

"Air you agoin' to handle stock or chase coyotes?" "My job's huntin'." "Wal, it may be thet from sunup to sundown, but between times you'll be sure busy otherwise, I opine," went on Lem. "Did you meet the boss's son?" "Yes, he was there. An' Belllounds made it plain I was to take orders from him an' not from his son."

He who sows the seasons and gathers the months into ice-house and barn lives not from sunup to sundown, revolving with the hands of the clock, but, heliocentric, makes a daily circuit clear around the sun the smell of mint in the hay-mow, a reminder of noontime passed; the prospect of winter in the growing garden, a gentle warning of night coming on.

"I know the place, Walky," he agreed. "That's where it happened," said Walky Dexter, nodding his head many times. "I was crossin' the stream, thinkin' nothin' could happen, and 'twas jest at sunup. I'd come six mile, and was jest ha'f way to the farm. I kerried that piller-case over my shoulder, and slung from the other shoulder was a gun, and I had a hatchet in my belt. "Jefers-pelters!

"Don't mumble your words, speak plainly, if you please." "He wouldn't tell me, mum; I axed him, but he wouldn't say. A letter came last night, and this morning at sunup they were off Mr. Dan in front, and Big Abel behind with the bundle on his shoulder. They walked to Leicestersburg, that's all I know, mum." "Let me get inside," said Betty, quickly.

"'Which I ain't been in the saddle so long, says the Major, while him an' Enright is considerin' how far they goes since sunup, 'since Mister Lee surrenders. "'You takes your part, Major, says Enright, who's ropin' for a reminiscence that a-way, 'in the battles of the late war, I believes. "'I should shorely say so, says the Major.

She was out in the fields from sunup until sundown. If I rode over to see her where she was ploughing, she stopped at the end of a row to chat for a moment, then gripped her plough-handles, clucked to her team, and waded on down the furrow, making me feel that she was now grown up and had no time for me. On Sundays she helped her mother make garden or sewed all day.

So we sat in a half light and listened. They lived, the two Putzeys, at a hamlet named Marchienne-au-Pont, to the southward. The Germans had come into it the day before at sunup, and finding the French there had opened fire. From the houses the French had replied until driven out by heavy odds, and then they ran across the fields, leaving many dead and wounded behind them.

Next he dropped his hands on his hips and considered the posse gravely. "Always heard tell how Sour Creek was a fine town but I didn't know they turned out reception committees before sunup. How are you, boys? Want my roll?" Larsen, as one who scorned to take a flying start on any man, dropped his weapon back in its holster.

The Spider, who always officiated at the bar for politic reasons, aside from the selling of liquor, noticed that the young stranger's eyes were clear and steady that he showed no trace of hard night-riding; yet he had arrived in Showdown at sunup. As Pete drank, The Spider sized up his horse which looked fresh.

"I don't have to go to work 'til sunup," Casey hinted broadly, "and I've set up many a night when I wasn't havin' half as much fun as I git listenin' to you talk." Again the Little Woman laughed. I think she had been rambling along just to bait Casey into something like that." "Very well, then, I'll come to the point. Though it is such a luxury to talk, sometimes! For a woman, that is.

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